Waking up

820 35 9

Third Person P.O.V.

The next morning Billie woke up next to Tré, having fell off of him. One of Billie's hands were tangled up in Tré's hair, while the other was rapped around Tré's hip.

Billie just stared up at his boyfriend for a bit, whispering the word, "boyfriend" as if it were holy, while letting his hand tangle further in Tré's hair. Tré grumbled a bit, stirring ever so slightly, but Billie didn't care, he was just wide eyed and zoned out, almost as if he were high. He scooted closer to Tré and placed his lips on Tré's, waking Tré up startled.

He giggled, "Billie, what the fuck," he laughed through the kiss, pushing Billie off him. Billie just smiled and shrugged.

"I don't know, you looked good."

Tré smiled and rolled his eyes, getting up. Billie also got up and went straight out of Tré's room, off to venture into his boyfriend's house to find a shower. Tré got dressed, having showered the night before, then headed to his mothers room to recover up his still stained neck.

Billie opened a door that lead to a basement on his adventure to find a shower. He casually walked down the stairs, knowing there wasn't going to be a bathroom, but letting his curiosity get the best of him. He found a drum set and excitedly ran up to the stool, grabbing the drumsticks that layed beside it. He noticed a guitar, but didn't care, continuing to stare at the drum set. It was nicer than the house. Billie carefully felt the symbols, then banged on them with the drum sticks, playing the tune to an old song he wrote. One he wrote a year ago, back when he wanted to come out again ( the first time being when he was 15). When he just wanted to be exepted for who he was. It finally seemed relavent now.

Billie whispered the opening lyrics as he played the tune on the drums, "17 and strung out on confusion"

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