Boring-Ass Chapter

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Tré's P.O.V.

I finish touching up on covering the purple marks on my neck. I should probably go find Billie...

I walk out of my parents room and into the kitchen. Billie's not here but I can hear my drums from downstairs. Think I know where he is.

I walk downstairs to find Billie mouthing words as he plays my kit.. Jeez I didn't know he played drums too.. and he's damn good at it.

He seemed to have noticed me and slowly stopped playing.

"Uh, hi," Billie said quietly.

"Did you write that?"

"Yeah, about a year ago.. It's trash, I was just playing around," he said stepping off the stool, "I should go shower."

"No, Bill, that was really good, you should teach me how to play it," I said with a goofy smile, and Billie shyly smiled back.

"Yeah, okay, maybe later," he said kissing my cheek and walking up stairs. Jesus, why do I still blush whenever he's near me??

Billie's P.O.V.

I walk upstairs, smiling at the floor. He didn't mean that, did he?

I realize there's a door right across from Tré's... I walk in, and there is, the bathroom.

((Okay it's so hard for me to right in present tense instead of past, so I think I'm just gonna go back to past tense, geez))

Third Person P.O.V.

Billie slipped on his pants, regretting not packing clothing. Without a shirt on, he walked across the hallway, back into Tré's room.

See, Tré and Billie had very different styles. Billie usually wore skinny jeans and a band shirt of some sort. Tré usually sported baggy pants, or shorts with a solid colored t-shirt. So when Billie opened Tré's closet he realized it was going to be obvious he just spent the night at Tré's house. Billie didn't even have his car keys... He wanted to go home and at least pack. Billie slipped on one of Tré's hoodies, a little big on Billie, but he didn't mind. He slipped on his flats and walked to the door, opening it, and running right into Tré, causing Billie to fall.

Tré laughed, helping his boyfriend up, "Geez Bill, why you in such a rush?"

"Uh.. Y'know... Um.."

Tré smirked noticing something, "Is that my sweatshirt?"

"Uh. Maybe?"


"Stop, no, I just don't have clothes, I'm not cute," Billie retorted, pushing Tré out of his way. Tré followed Billie, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Where yah going?" Tré asked, enjoying Billie's frustration.

"Just.. None of your...Uhm," Billie tried thinking of an excuse but nothing was coming to his mind.

Tré grabbed Billie by the shoulder and turned him around firmly, "Where you going," he repeated, more seriously this time.

Billie sighed, "To my house."

Tré's eyes widened, "No," he almost whispered.

"I'm gonna go get some clothing, my keys, and my car. I'll sneak through my window," Billie said, taking Tré's hand off him and quickly walking out the door.

Tré continued following his boyfriend, with some concern, but not asking questions.

Tré made his presents known by catching up to Billie quietly and slipping his hand in Billie's. Billie looked over, for a moment angry, but soon found himself softly smiling at their entwined hands.

"Fine, you can come too, I suppose," Billie smiled, looking away from their hands and up at Tré.

Tré smiled back, walking closer to him.

They soon arrived at Billie's house, and Billie lead Tré to the back of his house, looking up at his window.

"Okay, I didn't think this through," Billie admitted, still looking up at his window.

Tré smiled, "I'll hoist you up," he offered. To this, Billie tore his eyes off the window and looked at Tré, smiling back.

"Good idea."

Tré hoisted Billie up, and Billie quickly opened his window, sliding in. Billie grabbed his keys from his desk, and took a bunch of clothing out of his closet, packing it into a backpack. He also took his school backpack from his closet, trying not to be too loud.

Billie opened his window to see his boyfriend waiting for him patiently. He grabbed his clothing backpack, "Okay Tré, catch this," he said throwing it out the window. Billie heard footsteps coming up the stairs and panicked. He quickly slid on his school backpack, and with keys in his pocket, jumped out the window frantically, landing right on Tré.

"Fuck, I'm so sorry, baby, but he's coming, come on, quick," Billie stressed, grabbing his other backpack, and Tré, carrying them both with all his strength to his car.

Billie basically threw Tré in the front seat, throwing his backpacks in the back. He ran to the front seat as the front door to his house opened, just to reveal his stepdad.

Billie yelped, quickly plugging in the keys and putting his car in reverse, speeding off.

"Fuck," Tré mumbled, holding his head.

Billie looked over with concern to find that Tré was fine, just pouting, which made him laugh.

"It's not funny," Tré scowled, sitting up.

"Yeah it is," Billie laughed.

"You're lucky you're fucking scrawny," Tré remarked, finally smiling.

"And you're not, Jesus, you broke my back carrying your fat ass," Billie smirked, teasing. Tré just laughed.


Sorry this this chapter was fucking trash. Next one'll include them actually meeting up with Mike and the guys lol.

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