All mine

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Tré's P.O.V.

Billie held me close as we walked back to his room. Grabbing his bottle of rum off the floor and hitting Mike on the head with it.

"OW! WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?!" Billie just narrowed his eyes and sat against the wall again, with me. Tom sat next to Mike, curiously eyeing Billie. Billie noticed and flipped him off. I just chuckled a little.

Billie opened the rum bottle and begin chugging it, holding me to his chest as he did so. I squirmed uncomfortably, but Billie held me tight. After he was done drinking, he loosed his grip a bit, and handed me the bottle of rum.

"You should drink too, Frankie," I blushed at the usage of my real name. Tom laughed at it.

"Someone has to watch and make sure you're okay," I stated, denying the offer of getting drunk.

"B-but, you got drunk with me! Remember, that's where all those hickeys came from," Billie said, pointing at my neck. I felt my cheeks grow hot and quickly covered them. They were covered up, with some of Billie Joe's mom's make up, but I was still embarrassed that he said that right in front of Mike and Tom.

Speaking of Mike and Tom, they were now rolling around laughing uncontrollably.

"Why'd you cover them up anyways? Tom would know you're mine if you just left them alone," Billie stated, beginning to lick my neck, removing a bit of the make up. He then brought his thumb over it and rubbed the rest of the make up off one of the huge hickeys, that took me fucking forever to apply the make up to. Mike and Tom saw it and almost chocked laughing.

"Oh my god, oh my god, I can't breath," laughed Tom trying to calm down, "damn that's a huge one though Tré"

My face was now as red as a rose. Billie just smiled innocently and nuzzled into my neck.

~~~hours later~~~

By now, everyone had passed out but me. I managed to carry Billie into his bed. He was somewhat still awake, and tugged at my shirt as I laid him down.

"Don... don't leave Tré.." Billie mumbled, before falling asleep. I cleaned up the bottles and all the wreckage the drunken teens had caused. After I finished cleaning, I laid next to Billie. He was laying on his side, facing me, as I laid on my back, staring at the ceiling. I felt another tug to my shirt, as a half asleep Billie Joe, wrapped an arm around my waste and weakly tangled our legs together, resting his head on my chest, "I won't let them hurt you," he mumbled, sleep talking, putting a smile to my face.

~~~some more hours later~~~

Tom and Mike woke up, hung over as ever. Mike said he'd give Tom a ride home, and they both tiredly walked out of the house. Leaving me with Billie, he was still asleep, cuddled up next to me.

After about 20 minutes, Billie woke up, groaning in pain, "fuckkkkkkk"

I kissed his forehead and got up, "Guess I'll have to take care of you now, huh? See, this is why I didn't get drunk," I said, crossing my arms. Billie softly smiled.

"I don't deserve you Tré," he said, closing his eyes.

"I'm aware," I said, heading to the kitchen to make Billie some coffee and toast. Coffee will help his headaches, and the toast'll help his blood sugar levels. I also grabbed some pain killers, vitamins, and a puke bowl.
I walked back up to Billie and set his coffee on a nightstand, and handed him the plate of toast.

"But Tré, I'll puke," Billie pouted.

"Yes, but it'll help your blood sugar," I stated, handing him he puke bowl. He gave me a look, like he really didn't want to, "Come on BeeJ, please?"
With that, Billie sighed, before taking a few bites. I cuddled up next to him and flipped on the television.

"Mm, I should get hung over more often," Billie said, kissing my neck. He's been so affectionate lately... I mean, I'm not complaining, I just thought it was only gonna last while he was drunk, but he's still going. I felt my cheeks get hotter, and I softly smiled at him. His lips tickled against my neck, and he didn't move them, planting more innocent kisses every now and then.

He still hasn't puked... Maybe he was more high then drunk?

"Fuck, Tré can I have some pain killers," Billie asked flinching a bit.

"Of course Bill, but ya gotta let me go," Billie removed his head from the crook of my neck to look me in the eyes. His eyes were wide, like he was afraid of something. Seeing the worry in his eyes, I quickly added, "I brought them up here, I just have to get them from the night stand," Billie looked over my shoulder to check. He then looked me in the eyes one more time, before removing his hand from my waste.

I quickly got up and grabbed two pills from the bottle. "Do you need water to swallow these," I questioned. Billie looked around the room, probably for a water bottle, but there were none. He swiftly looked back at me and shook his head no. I handed him and sat next to him, while he popped them in his mouth, "You okay BeeJ?"

To this, Billie smiled, "Remember when you asked that on Wednesday. We were sitting right here on my bed too," I softly smiled again and nodded. He smiled too and closed his eyes.

"Seriously, Billie Joe, why are you so scared? Yah know, of me exiting the room for two seconds," Billie's eyes opened to look at me, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Did Tom and Mike leave," he questioned. I slowly nodded. He was either trying to change the subject, or he was afraid I'd go to Tom or something.

Billie shivered and I went back to cuddling up with him. His lips still grazing my neck.

"Hey Tré?"

"Yes Billie Joe?"

"You'll be mine now, right?"

Wow.. Billie really did mean it when he was drunk.. My cheeks were hot once again, and I smiled at him, moving a bit so he would remove his head from my neck. He looked at me, eyes wide, waiting for my answer. I pressed my lips to his slowly. He soon kissed back after a few seconds, I felt him smile against my lips. We kept it innocent, and it only lasted a couple minutes. After he pulled away, he looked me in the eyes.

"I'm all yours"

I thought of making that the ending, but I think even I want more..

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