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Tre's P.O.V.
What the fuck is Billie doing to me?! This is going way too fast... I'm tempted to push him off, but at the same time I've had a crush on him forever...

"Shut up Bill," I chuckled, pushing him off. He seemed super disappointed.

"Oh come on Tré, why not," he said, signaling to the fact that I made him stop marking my skin with hickeys.

"You haven't even kissed me yet Billie!!," I laughed, "Let alone asked me out or anything"

Billie gave me a confused look, "I've already given you a bunch of hickeys Tré, why can't I keep going?," he pouted, crossing his arms.

I just rolled my eyes and got off the bed, searching for my shirt.

~~~few minutes later~~~


Billie looked at me, and laughed when I yelled in frustration.

"Oh, haha, funny," I looked around Billie's, relatively clean, room. There were a few shirts lying around, but non being mine... I grabbed a Foo Fighters T-shirt off the ground. I looked Billie in the eyes as I put it on; as if to mock the fact I'm wearing his shit. He just raised an eyebrow.

Right after put Billie's shirt on, he looked under his pillow, and there laid, my green t-shirt... I fucking hate that son of a bitch. Billie then looked at me with a smug face as he slipped my shirt on. Fuck you, Billie Joe Armstrong.
I just turned and left his room after that. Billie followed.

"Damn Billie, how long have I even been at your house??," I questioned, entering Billie's living room.

"Uh.. This is the second day I think.. Well okay so, I brought you here on Wednesday night, then you slept over on Thursday, then again, and now it's Friday!," Billie seemed like he was actually piecing it all together as he talked, and as soon as he announced it was Friday, he looked up at me as if he wanted me to congratulate him on figuring out what day of the week it was....  ((longest sentence ever))

"Oh wow... Thursday was a long-ass day.."

"Yeah I guess"

"Wait dude!," I looked over at Billie, "WE'VE SKIPPED LIKE A DAY AND A HALF OF SCHOOL, WE GOTTA GO TODAY"

"Damn, relax Tré.. We only skipped the last two hours of Wednesday. We'll just say you felt sick so I took you home, and helped you through the rest of the week; while your parents were out of town," Billie said smoothly, just thinking up a great idea like it was nothing. I looked at him in shock.

"O-okay, good plan BeeJ!"

"Mhm" Billie looked at me like it was obvious.

"....Well what do you wanna do now?.."

"Uh... wanna watch a movie?" Billie said openly.

"Sure, not like we have anything better to do"

Billie looked through Netflix for awhile, before deciding on Suburbia.
((I don't even fucking know if Suburbia is on Netflix, but fuck it, okay?!))

"Never seen this movie before.." I mumbled.

Billie looked over at me and shrugged, "me either, but the description had "punk rockers" in it so.."
I laughed at Billie's reasoning.

We both sat on the couch and Billie got sucked into the film, and I soon did too.

20 minutes into the movie, Billie just scooted super close to me. When I looked over at him, eye brow raised, he just winked at me...

"And to believe you used to bully me for being gay," I said, looking at the tv.

"Love you too, faggot"

"Wouldn't be talking..." I mumbled, thinking Billie wouldn't hear so I could have the last word, for once. But guess that's not gonna happen, being that his head turned 90° with more force than ever.

"What was that?"


"Nah, pretty sure that was something," Billie said. I just didn't say anything, so BeeJ decided to shove me off the couch.

"I get the last move buddy," Billie winked. Oh not this time buck-o.

I jumped on the couch and tackled him. I wanted to do something, but what... Before I could think of anything, BeeJ just smirked and then kissed me! ((I already made everything go way too fast, and it's too late to turn back now!))

Though BeeJ and I have both given each other hickeys, we've never actually kissed. So this is a first.. At first I was too shocked to react, but I soon grasped the situation and kissed back. Billie got way too excited by me kissing back and swiped his tongue across my lips, trying to pry them open. I thought about whether I should ruin the innocence of the kiss, but eventually opened my mouth and let Billie's tongue explore.

Billie's P.O.V.
I'm just enjoying tasting Tre's tongue honestly.

Why does anyone read this shit?

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