Having a Blast

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It was 12:05AM ((actually my time rn), pitch black out, lights off. Tré sat at the corner of his bed, against the wall. Billie was straddled on top of him, kissing the boy with tongue.

Billie soon broke the kiss, to sprickle little pecks all over Tre's face, "I love you," he whispered, continuing to kiss all over the green haired boy's face.

Tré hummed in reaction, slipping his hand under Billie's shirt to feel his stomach. Billie's lips finally landed back on Tre's, biting on his Tre's bottom lip. Billie's left hand grabbed Tre's hair gently, while his right gripped Tre's thigh.

"Mmmm," Billie hummed back to Tré.

And then, Billie's phone begin to ring from his back pocket, scaring both the boys shitless. They both jumped, and Billie scrambled to grab his phone, Tré releasing his grip on Billie's ass.

Billie answered his phone like it was nothing, "Sup"

"Hey BeeJ, you up for chilling with the rest of the guys tomorrow?," Mike's voice spoke from the other line.

"Uh... Yeah, sure. Tre's coming though," Billie answered, smirking at Tré. Not like Tré could really see that though, the pitch black darkness preventing him from it.

"Well, I'm cool with that.. But you know the guys.." Mike reminded shyly.

"Not like I'm gonna be all over Tré with the guys. We'll just play it off as friends, and if anyone asks, I'll just tell them we're dating," Billie answered confidently, still smirking at Tré.

Tré sat there confused, staring at Billie's figure. He begin rubbing Billie's thigh, as if asking for an explanation with the action.

Billie reciprocated by laying his forehead on Tre's shoulder as he continued his call.

"Okay Bill, I'll back you up if we have any problems," Mike reassured.

"Thanks Mike, I can always count on you," Billie answered with a slight chuckle.

"Of course, man. I'll give you the details later, for now I'm gonna hit the hey," Mike concurred, yawning.

"Right, g'night Mike," Billie answered back, hanging up. Then Billie smiled at Tré and kissed him once more, "Hey, we're gonna hang out with the guys tomorrow, okay?"

"You mean your domineering friends?"

"Mhm, them."

"They beat me for fun, Billie."

"Well, we're gonna change that tomorrow! Don't worry, I'll protect you, baby," Billie said back, proud, and slightly teasingly, nuzzling his head in Tre's neck.

Tré smiled, humming, "yeah, yeah, fine," he tried sounding annoyed but Billie could tell he was smiling and smiled right back.

Tré flopped over, laying down, Billie still on top of him. Billie untwined his legs from Tre's back and pulled a blanket over them, nuzzling further into Tre's neck.

"Night Tré"

"G'night babe"


I can't sleep and got bored so I updated again lol. Bye.

~Sober ShitHead

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