Stay the Night

833 38 3


Billie looked around curiously and innocently, "You have a nice place, Tré," Billie collected, now turning to look at me. He's cute but he's avoiding my question..

"Billie, who was that?," I repeated.

Billie reached out a hand to mess with my hair, running his fingers through it, "That was just my step dad, it's okay babe, I've done worse to you anyways," he said calmly, ending with a frown, finally taking his eyes off my green hair to look at me.

"That doesn't make it okay... He was about to beat you! Look at your face, Bill, you have a huge slap mark! That's not okay," I reached a hand to pull his shirt up. He flinched at the contact at first, but quickly recovered, sighing and looking down at my hand. Billie took my hand away and held it in his firmly.

Smiling at me pathetically, he said softly and quietly, "It's okay"

I pulled my hand away from Billie's grip to pull up his shirt, quicker this time. A fist sized purple mark stains Billie's lower abdomen. I look up at him with a frown, "Why don't you stay at my place for awhile, okay?"

"Uh.." Billie scratched his back, "Sure Tré, if that makes you happy"

I punched his shoulder playfully, trying to lighten the mood, "Wow, how about "Yeah Tré! I love spending time with you!'"

"That too," he smirked, leaning in to kiss me passionately.


short and sweet, I suppose.

The Bully (Trillie)Where stories live. Discover now