It took so long to think of a title

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Billie skipped Tré's house and decided to go for a ride. Soon enough Billie's phone started to buzz and without a care, Billie answered it.


"Hey BeeJ, it's Mike. We're gonna meet up at Christie Road in like an hour. That okay?"

"Oh shit! I almost forgot about that, thanks for the reminder Mike. And yeah, that's an okay time, see yah then."

"See yah."

Billie ended the phone call and glanced over at his curious boyfriend for a second, beginning to speak, "Hey Tré, we're gonna meet up with my "deemering" friends, or whatever smart-ass word you used."

"'domineering' Billie, 'domineering'"

"Yeah, dominating or whatever, that's besides the point though, Tré," Billie said sarcastically, "I'm gonna go back to your place and change into something, then we'll leave. Christie Road's on the outskirts of town, so it'll be a little bit of a ride."

"What's so wrong with the clothing you have on," Tré smirked.

"I can't wear your fucking hoodie!"

"And why is that," Tré asked, still smirking in amusement.

"Because we don't need to make it that damn obvious! I'll wear your stupid hoodie some other day if it bothers you that much," Billie answered, muttering his last sentence. Eyes never leaving the road.

"Awe, really?" Tré asked, acting as if it really made a difference, just to continue and mess with his easily frustrated boyfriend.

"Whatever makes you happy," Billie said, less frustrated, but more calm and sincerely.

"Sounds good," Tré said, trying to act unaffected.


Billie went back to Tré's and got dressed in a misfits shirt and skinny jeans. Tré sat on his bed as Billie got dressed.

"So..." Tré started, watching Billie get dressed from behind him.

Billie turned around in response, looking up at Tré as he finished zipping his black skinny jeans.

"Jeez, you're such an emo," Tré giggled, assessing Billie's outfit.

"No, that happens in 2004," Billie stated flatly, breaking the fourth wall.

"Oh right, sorry...
Anyways, what are your friends gonna say when they see me?" Tré said, smiling a little at the fact that Billie'll have to admit it to his friends. The dude who bullied him for years was now his boyfriend and Billie's little stubborn ass was gonna have to say it.

"I don't really give a fuck Tré, I think it'll be fine," Billie said looking down at the floor, eyebrows stitched together in almost an angry way.

"Robert should be cool with it, the dude where's makeup! Joji's pretty chill in general, Bradley's always high anyways, and Brian barley even talks to us anymore ever since he became a Christian..." Billie pondered out loud, referring to his friend group, Robert Smith, Joji Miller, Bradley Nowell, and Brian Welch.

"Sure," was all Tré really could think to say.

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