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So I drove us back to my place and Tré and me both practically leaped out of my Buick and raced to the house.

~~~~few hours into dope~~~~

I sat there giggling with Tré. Everything was always so funny and calm when you're high.

"IT'S POT NIGHT BITCH" I yelled at Tré.

"NIGHT OF GREENS" Tré declared.

"GREEN NIGHT!" I argued... I get the last saying...

"DOPE DAY!!" Tré wasn't going to give up.. and "dope day" 's pretty good... shit, I've gotta add something good...

"GREEN DAYYY!!!" I shouted, tackling Tré, so I would get the last word.

"Not another tackle game," Tré laughed.

"Nah, it's gayer than that," I remarked.

I decided to just fucking attacked his neck. I licked around till I found a sensitive spot right under his jawline. I knew because he let out a small moan..


Ohoho, Tre's innocence is mine! I begin to bite and suck the spot and he practically yelled.

"Mmm Tré you're such a- I bet you liked me even when I used to bully you huh?" Tre's only response was a whimper.

I started laughing at him while my head was still tucked into the crook of his neck. This must of triggered something inside him because he flipped me over so he was on top.

"I bet you only bullied me because you liked me, you little slut," he concluded, shortly before biting all around my neck. I just gasped and let out a few moans.

"You like that, slut?" Tré whispered in my ear and begin to bite it.

"Tré stop trying to act like you're the top" I laughed. I just grabbed him and we just started wrestling.

For the next few hours it was just tackle-wrestle-hickey shit.

I get that this chapter is too short and that's why I'm uploading two at the same time.

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