Christie Road

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I drove Tré and I to Christie Road and was met with Mike, Robert, Joji, and even Brian. Brad didn't seem to be there yet.
Joji came up to greet me when he noticed Tré and laughed, "Dude why'd you bring the faggot?"

"Y'know Joji, this faggot's pretty cool, actually," I smiled, looking at Joji.

"Well, gee thanks," Tré said sarcastically, making me smile at him. Joji was kinda confused, so I just patted him on the back and went to go see Mike. Tré followed behind me.

"Sup Mike," Tré greeted for me. I giggled at his comfortableness, to which Tré glared at me for.

"Hey Tré," Mike said, while taking a swig from his beer.
Joji came up to us, "Man, we're all cool with him now?" he asked Mike.

"Yeah George, get with the program," Mike smiled. Robert and Brian soon greeted us too, Brian seemed really happy when he saw Tré.

Before we even said anything to him, Brian greeted Tré, "Hey man, sorry for all the hard times we gave you, glad you're here," he smiled, to which Tré smiled back, shaking Brian's hand.

"Nice hickey," Robert laughed, looking at on of Tré's poorly covered purple marks. He blushed, and so did I, but I quickly turned go get a beer so no one would notice. That would really fucking give it away...

I heard Tré laugh nervously, trying to play it off, "Nice Lipstick."

"Why, thank you," Robert said jokingly, "Finally someone notices my efforts to look nice," Robert laughed.
I walked back over patting Robert on the back, "Love the eyeshadow, as well," I winked, causing almost everyone to laugh.

"Tha-" Robert was cut off by Bradley speeding up, and stopping, very loudly with his friends car. He jumped out of the passengers seat, and said goodbye to whichever friend drove him here.

"Hey boys," Bradley said rather excitedly. He then looked over at Tré, "Hey new dude."

Tré laughed, "Tré," he said, holding his hand out, to which Brad shook.

We all sat around on couches and flooring. Tré and I sat next to each other on the couch, my arm around him, but no one seemed to think anything of it. Mike sat beside me as well. Brian and Robert sat by each other across from us, on the floor, and Bradley was on a beanbag. We were all kind of tipsy and just talking about random shit.

"He fucking videotaped himself opening cans," Joji laughed, telling us about his friend (and my new dealer) Ian Carter, "He always shows me any video he makes, that's what he loves doing, video making."

"Don't you like doing that too, Joj?" Bradley pointed out.

"Well... yeah, kind of, I mostly like making music though," Joji said chillily.

"Don't we all," Robert slurred, lifting his beer, as did we all, responding to him.

"You too Tré?" Brian asked, noticing how Tré also lifted his glass.

"Yeah, I like drumming, just can't find a band."
Mike looked over at me, "duuuudddeee, isn't John leaving for college soon? We'll need a drummer!"

"O-h fuck!" I laughed, not realizing my boyfriend could totally join Green Day.
Tré looked over at me, wide eyed. I looked over at him, and with alcohol running through my veins, I kissed him. Pulling away I said, "Tré I think I've found you a band," smiling brightly into his ocean blue eyes. Him smiling back, leaning so our heads were touching.

"What the fuck," Joji said, sounding a lot less drunk, and a lot more shocked.

"Yeah, what the fuck," Bradley repeated, laughing.

"Oh fuck," I said turning to everyone.

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