buCkLE uP fOR a RidE!

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Ehem, ProstheticNimrod said they would update if I did and they left off on a cliffhanger so now I must update. I've puked 11 times in counting today, don't overdose on pain killers kids... But anyways, the point there is that this chapter might not be the best because of the very reason that I am sick. Plus (same for all the chapters actually) I'm writing this without any idea about what's gonna happen, just free handedly. Also rip Chris Cornell, let's take a minute of silence....

AnYwAyS, EnJoY.
Edit: this chapter is disturbing. Fucking flat out, I would re-write it but I'm too tired, lazy, and fucking sick.
Billies P.O.V.

My tongue continued exploring Tre's mouth, he has morning breath but I don't mind too much. Would be pretty funny if I broke the kiss just to go tell him to brush his teeth though... I'll think about it..
I sucked on Tre's tongue a little and boy did that have a reaction. So I did it again but harder. He moaned so hard into the kiss that I bet you could hear it from ten feet away. Perfect time to embarrass him! I broke the kiss and he looked at me confused and awestruck.

"Go brush your teeth," I muttered huskily. Tré blushed like crazy, he was more shy than ever when he actually got up to brush his teeth. I started laughing uncontrollably, he didn't even look back.

Three minutes later he came back smirking.

"Used your tooth brush," he winked.

"Ah damnit, does it smell like morning breath now?"

"It smelled like morning breath to begin with," he reported sassily. I got up and pushed him onto the couch, then crawled on top of him.

"Nothing to say about your smelling tooth brush I'm guessing," Tré remarked with a smirk.

"Shut up Tré," I said before connecting our lips. I immediately tried to deepen the kiss, but Tré wasn't having it. Seriously though, he won't let my tongue in at all... Welp better do something about that.

I started palming Tré and he gasped, I wasted no time and let my tongue roam his mouth once again. He signed into my mouth in frustration, and I giggled into his. My hand was still on his dick, so why stop?
After a bit of palming Tré, he begin to palm me too. I moaned in reaction. Then Tre's tongue started fighting for dominance. I don't know if you guys have noticed yet but I'm kind of the top... So I don't know what Tré thinks he's doing..
No one was winning the dominance fight though.. Damn Tré and his strong tongue!

I pulled Tre's shirt off, to which he gasped. I'm not gonna fuck him or anything, I just started adding to his hickeys. He let out a deep manly moan, it was fucking hot.

Don't think that I'm not pleasured or anything, but I don't want this going too far. Especially when I'm sober... So I decided to tease Tré again, or rather shock him this time. After giving a few more hickeys, I flat out got up and started walking to the kitchen. Tré was out of breath, and as was I, but I tried breathing through my nose so it wouldn't seem so.

"I'm hungry," I say loudly from the kitchen so Tré could hear me. Tré followed me to the kitchen and looked kind of pissed,  I looked down and saw that we was super hard.

"Oh whoops, should I finish the job there first, Tré?" I questioned sounding as innocent as possible. He pointed down to my dick before speaking.

"How are you not bothered by how hard you are?!"

"To be honest Tré, it's bothering the shit out of me but I'm trying to act cool right now," I said as if he ruined my cover. Tré just giggled, then grabbed my hand and lead me to my bedroom.

"Now don't think I'm gonna suck you off, honey," I warned, putting my hand on his dick once again, going as slow as possible. Tré seemed annoyed and anticipating.

"Bill come on, stop teasing," he pleaded, pouting. I just smirked at him before basically tearing off his pants and underwear. Tré blushed madly and covered his luggage. I looked up at him with an eyebrow raised, before slowly removing his hand, never breaking eye contact. Then started palming him fast, still looking him in the eyes. He tried looking away but I just turned his head back to face me with my free hand and smirked at him. As he started moaning, I broke eye contact and started biting his ear, to which Tré moaned louder to.

"Bi-Illie I-m g-o-nna-" I cut him off by kissing him. Then he came.
I quickly unlocked our lips and looked at his member.

"I hear from all the fags that cum taste good," I said still looking at his dick. Then I looked up at him to see if it was true.

He looked at me and laughed, "So does it or not?" he said crossing his arms.

"I don't know, I said all th- WAIT, HEY!!" I pushed him and then looked back at the white shit curiously with suspicion, narrowing my eyes. Then I looked back up at Tré, who seemed pretty amused, "You have to try it too," I said eyes still narrowed.
((the promise by Chris Cornell just came on, & I'm writing about how Billie wants to try cum. Someone please just end me))

"But... it's my cum? Isn't that.. I don't know, weir-" before Tré could finish, I scooped up a pile of cum and shoved it into his mouth.
((Make that 12 times I've puked today))

He spit it out right away gagging, "Well?," I asked, "Is it good??"

"I DON'T FUCKING KNOW, BILLIE, I SPIT IT OUT!!" Tré yelled at me, angered.

"Okay you can try mine," I said looking down to my slightly less hard member, and back up at Tré with pleading eyes.

Tré ripped off my skinny jeans and boxers, mocking my actions. He stared at my dick for a moment before looking up, "Not too bad," he smirked. I rolled my eyes. He touched the tip, I immediately went hard.

"W-oaAhh, bro-o," I moaned, "Is that o-ne of your fa-fag tricks?"
Tré rolled his eyes at my question, not even answering me. He then grabbed my dick and went so slowly it hurt.

"TRÉ!" I yelled and he jumped, then looked up at me. I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand that was wrapped around my dick and started going fast as I panted.

Tre's P.O.V.

This is the hottest I've seen Billie, basically palming himself through my hand. He rolled his head back with his tongue out.. God.. I couldn't help but start marking up his chest, seeing him like that. He soon came, and road out his orgasm before looking back at me, wide eyed. He brought his lips to mine and kept it innocent before a minute passed and he quickly pulled his head away.

"O-okay n-now we tr-try the cu-cum," Billie said still wide eyed, looking at me love and awestruck.

"Ugh fine Billie," I grabbed a scoop of his cum, "but first," I shoved it in his mouth, "pay back."

Billie didn't spit it out though, he kept it in his mouth a bit before swallowing, "Hey! That's pretty good!" Billie said ((souNdinG jUst LiKe IaN CaRtEr...))

He quickly scooped up the remains of mine and swallowed it. Then he grabbed his and shoved it in my mouth.

"See, it's good!!"
I'm going to keep my opinion to myself... I just swallowed it and rolled my eyes, getting up. I put my clothes on and left the room. Billie quickly followed.

"Didn't you say you were hungry?" I questioned not looking at him.

"Yeah! Time for brunch!!" He yelled.

"You haven't even had breakfast?" I said eyeing him.

"No," he nodded his head and pointed at my pants.

"Oh my fucking god Billie Joe!" I said slightly laughing. Billie's eyes were still wide.. They've been wide ever since he came. He seems so submissive right now... This is really weird..

Billie laughed a bit too as we headed for the kitchen.


Welp this chapter was fucked up... Longest chapter ever too. By the way, I changed a lot of the older chapters to try and make it stretched out s little longer. Yah know, so everything doesn't go as fast as it did. You guys should check it out, the story's changed a lot for the better in my opinion. AnYWAYS tHanKs foR reAdIng, hOpe yOu'rE aS diSturBed aS i AM wiTh ThIs cHApTEr.

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