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Tré's P.O.V.

"Come on Tom, we gotta make sure Billie'll be okay," I said, grabbing Tom by the wrist.

"Woah... I'm gonna go get drunk with Billie Joe Armstrong and Mike Pritchard," Tom reminded himself, wide eyed. I keep forgetting how popular they are...

~~~ten minutes later~~~

When I walked in Billie's house, not even bothering to knock, he wasn't anywhere in sight, and neither was Mike. Me and Tom walked upstairs to his room, and Billie was chugging a huge bottle of vodka, Mike screaming at him to share. Tom started laughing and Billie and Mike both noticed us. By this time, Billie had drank over half the bottle.. Mike quickly grabbed it and chugged the rest. Billie, already seeming to be hammered and stoned at the same time, got up and wobbled over to me, putting both his hands on my waste. He looked over at Tom and gave him a death glare, then looked back down at me.

"Hey babe," Billie greeted. Tom looked over at me to see if that was normal, but I didn't respond.


"Mhmmmmm," Billie hummed, "Come on Tré, lets go get more alcohol," He said, taking my hand and running out of the room. Leaving Tom and Mike alone.

Billie walked me into what seemed to be his mother's room, judging by the decor. Right as he closed the door, he slammed me up against it.

"Who's that dude you were with? He was awfully close to you," Billie asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Someone's jealous," I noted out loud, "He's just my friend Billie Joe. Why do you care?"
To that, Billie just let me go, looking under his mothers bed, coming out with 7 bottles. Some wine, some vodka, some liquor, etc..
He came over and handed me three of them to carry. I just decided to follow him back to his room.

"Mike look!," Billie announced, walking in his room with me. Mike and Tom were next to each other talking, before Billie interrupted. They both grinned widely when they saw all the alcohol. I rolled my eyes and set the bottles down.

"Don't we need cups or something?"

Billie giggled at my question, "Why create more dishes? We can just drink from the bottles," he stated.

I just sat against the wall. Billie sat right next to me; a bottle of rum in his left hand, his right hand around my waste. He saw Tom looking at me and gave him another death glare, tightening his grip around my waste. Tom quickly looked away.

"Psh, he's not even that hot. I'm obviously the better choice," Billie whispers in my ear. Does Billie just get extra jealous when he's drunk and stoned?

Tom's P.O.V.

"Hey Tom," Mike whispers, smirking, as I open a liquor bottle, "Billie's obviously jealous and over protective of Tré. You should go and sit right by Tré, and lean your head on his shoulder"

"I'm not drunk enough for that yet"

"I'll fucking pay you"

"How much pay we talking?"


"Sold," I grinned. I crawled over to Tré, Billie raging with his eyes. I sit on Tré's right side, and lean my head against his shoulder. Wonder if Mike'll pay me extra to hold his hand....

At this point, Tré is staring at me, scared. He's probably afraid of what Billie'll do to me. Whatever, it's worth the $15.

I look over at Mike, who's trying to hold in a laugh, and point at Tré's hand, unnoticeably to Tré and Billie, and rub my thumb and pointer finger together. Mike nods, and rubs his fingers together as well, Billie and Tré being to busy looking at me to notice, he mouths "20". Yep, I'm in.

I go for Tré's hand, and nuzzle into his neck. Tré looks over at Mike and quickly realized what was going on. He smirked at me, which drove Billie mad.
In a matter of seconds, to my surprise, I wasn't the one being thrown up against the wall. That would be Tré. Billie looked over at me, still pinning Tré, and slowly brought his lips closer to Tré's, never breaking eye contact from me. Tré giggled, making Billie look right at him.

Billie narrowed his eyes at Tré, then dropped him. He then grabbed me by the neck and dragged me out of the room.

Tré's P.O.V.

"FUCK, COME ON MIKE," I yelled over to Mike, who currently was laughing so hard that he was struggling to breath. I decided to just peak my head out the door, I'll help if things go south.

There Billie is, holding up Tom against the hallway wall.

"Listen buddy, I don't know if you're not aware, but Tré is mine. Alright? Oh, watch your back at school, because you've just won yourself a new harasser," Billie warned, spitting in Tom's face.

"He's not yours," Tom grins, being dumb as ever... he's gonna get his ass kicked, "You never asked him out! You never even asked him if he was okay with that title," he laughed, smiling. Billie kneed him in the crotch, and left him to fall on the floor. I couldn't stop myself from laughing. Billie's head shot over in my direction, and he walked over to me, grabbing my hand.

He took me downstairs to what seemed to be a guest room, and locked the door. He pushed me on the bed and climbed on top of me, starting to make out with me, roughly, grinding our hips. His tongue roamed all over my mouth, moaning into my throat. I felt his hands unbuttoning my khaki shorts and I quickly sprang up, now a few feet away from Bill.

"Billie, we can't do this now! People are upstairs," I reminded him.

"Oh, like your boyfriend Tommy," he asked coldly, crossing his arms, and tapping his foot. I walked up to him and placed my hands on his hips, kissing him on the cheek.

"He was just fucking with you, Mike paid him to do that," I confessed. Billie seemed a little pissed, and relieved at the same time.

"I still don't trust him," Billie stated, "You'll be my boyfriend, right Tré?"

I giggled, Billie's so cute and sweet when he's drunk, "How about you ask me that when you're sober"

Billie pouted a little, but nodded, "I love you Tré"

"Love you too Billie"

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