Coffee and Dope

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Billie's P.O.V.

"We need to get out of the house, Tré!" I declared


"Come on!"

Tré followed me out to the car and I started driving.

"Wanna get some coffee or something?" I spoke without looking away from the road.

"Sure. But I'm paying this time okay?" Tré said sternly.

"Yeah yeah..." I decided to just let him have this one. We arrived at a bagel shop and went inside. I got a pretty toned coffee, but not too bitter, Tré decided he'd get the same thing as me after ten minutes of looking at the menu. Then Tré paid and we sat down in a booth.

"Thanks, Tré," I smiled at him.

"Anytime BeeJ," he winked.

Tre's P.O.V.

"So, what set you off back there? Yah know, when you punched me," I questioned, partially out of curiosity, partially trying to start some conversation.

"U-uh, nothing man! Just bipolar making its usual rounds!"

"Billie we both know that's not how it works," I call him out, "Come on! What's the reason!"


Never heard Billie stutter before... this aughtta be good.

"I-I, Uh-hm," he tried, then took a deep breath, "Alright Tré, you got me! God, when I pinned you for like the third time, my eyes went to your lips and I was nervous with anticipation! My heart beat even sped up! It was gay, yah know?... I had a little mental argument with myself in my head when I realized what I wanted to do, and in the end I took it out on you..." he finished, looking down at his coffee, arms crossed.

"Woah," my eyes widened, Billie Joe Armstrong wanted to kiss me... That's a lot to take in, "Damn Bill, I'm flattered and shit, but at the same time, why the hell are you so fucking homophobic?! Even on yourself!" I questioned. He finally looked up at me and thought about it for a moment. Then looked me in the eyes.

"Tré, I used to be bisexual. My step dad found out and beat me for it, my mother almost disowned me. They said I was a useless gay piece of fucking shit! So I worked on brainwashing myself into being straight. And if I'm honest with you, that doesn't fucking work. I'm just hard on myself, and homophobic even towards myself. I beat kids up for that shit because I took to heart what my mother said about being a worthless shit," Billie monologued, never breaking contact, and moving his hands a little every now and then.

Now I fully understood why Billie beats up kids at school..

"...Billie it's okay to be bisexual, you just don't have to tell your parents, or anyone for that matter! But don't fight your feelings like that! It just causes everyone more pain! Especially you!"

"Hm you gotta point there buddy, but don't go all sappy on me okay," he laughed, I just continued giving him a worried look.

"Okay, alright Tré! I won't fight my feelings and shit! I'll be myself and all that. Now stop worrying!"


"Heh, yes I promise okay! If it makes you happy," he chuckled. Wow does that mean a lot...

"Thank you Billie," I smiled.

"Bet you just wanted me to kiss you, huh?"

"Shut up Bill."

"Hey! That's not a no!"

I rolled my eyes.

"Yep, your blushing. I've got a chance," Billie smirked.

Shortly after our little talk, and a lot of Billie "flirting" with me, we started heading back to his place. I wonder how he's been able to stand me this long?? This is the second day in a row! Hey, I'm not complaining.. but why isn't he??

It had been like 30 minutes of Billie just driving and I wasn't sure where we were going, because this was definitely not the way to his place.. Before I could ask where we were going Billie Joe begin to speak.

"Heheh hey Tré, guess what," Billie said, sounding more suspicious than usual...

"Hm?" I answered back simply. He pulled over in an alley and then turned to me.

"So I found this really good dealer who does like two ounces for $5" he smirked.

"Damn Billie, okay"

"Yeah I'll be right back," he slurred.

Billie Joe's P.O.V.

Wow I did not expect little innocent Tré to be okay with weed.. But that's just one less fight!

My dealer, Ian Carter, was standing right where he told me he'd be.

"Yo Ian!!!"

"Billie, right?"

"Yep" I smiled.

"You're a little more hyper than Joji described you as," I just shrugged at his statement.

"Okay man, here's eighty"

"Nice. Here's the stuff," we exchanged cash for stash.

"Nice doing business with you, Armstrong"

"Same to you, Carter"

I walked back to my car where Tré was still sitting looking innocent as ever. Heh I should ruin his innocence sometime... Yeah that'd be fun... Maybe tonight.

"Hey Tré I got the stuff!! Let's go home and have fun!"

"Sweet," he said trying to be nonchalant, but I could tell how excited he was.

Welp that was only 966 words... shit.. sorry guys I failed... hope it was still long enough tho.

AlsO ThIs iS tHe ShItTiEsT chAptEr YeT!! whOOPS

Edit: ha now it's 875 words

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