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'The dreamers of the day are dangerous men for they may act their

dream with open eyes to make it possible. This I did.'

T. E Lawrence

"Lawrence of Arabia"

I walk alongside Nate and my father walking past different shops which have no closed due to the day being an end. I pull down my small black blazer as my father throws his cigar out onto the road, hitting a puddle so it could die out on its own.

I push back a piece of my hair, putting it behind my ear as the rest flies freely in the small breeze, I look over once I feel a hand onto mine, I smile as Nate pulls my hand down away from the other one which was not long playing with the ring on my left hand.

We carry on walking down the sidewalk, walking past street lights, passing cars, also walking past this huge guy who was cracking his knuckles as he leaned against the door frame. One by we enters the building we needed to be in.

Which is, in fact, a pub, Nate's the first one to go through before my father pushes me in. I try my hardest to ignore the stares as we head into the room which is full of men drinking, the bartender gestures us with his head to go on up to the floor above which is, in fact, the office, the person we need to see must be up there.

Nate opens the door to the room where a pool table is and a poker table, there were men on each one, I look around as everyone stops what they were doing to look at us, a man wearing a leather jacket comes towards us ordering us to put our hands up.

He starts patting him down, "Enjoying yourself, pal?" Nate asks with a small grin, "Oh, yeah, you're a comedian," The man says before moving patting me down, "Be careful where you put hands," I tell him as he pats my legs, he rolls his eyes at me before finally finishing off with my father. 

"Nice warm welcome," My father says to us as the man who was once patting us down announces that we are clean just a man in a fancy suit walks towards us, apologising to us about the weapon check. 

"I'm guessing you're Talbot," My father says as we walk to the other side of the pool table whilst the man we suspect is Talbot stands on the opposite side. "Mr. and Miss Sullivan and Mr. Drake,"

"That's right," Nate agrees before Talbot asks, "Do you have it?"

"Hold your horses," I say with a stop hand gesture, "Money first," I tell him as Talbot slightly glares at me causing me to grin, yeah he's up to something. "Cutter," He calls and the man that we had just met at the door brings over a suitcase placing it in front of Talbot who opens it and showed us that the money is in there.

"It's all there. Now let's see it," Talbot announces as we all look at each other, I look over to Nate and nod telling him to show it. Nate reaches to his neck pulling a necklace off which is, in fact, a ring, the ring that Talbot wants.

"I'll need to authenticate it," Talbot tells Nate who held it out in front of him before handing it to him so he can check if it's real. I watch as Talbot brings out a jewelers loupe and starts expecting it.

"Silver... 16th century... Elizabeth design... Inscribed with Sir Francis Brake's motto..." Talbot says to himself as Nate and I check over the money, I glare at the money. I KNEW he was up to something.

I lean closer to Nate and whispered what I had just found out, Nate nods as my father and Talbot spoke, "My client will be very pleased," Talbot says, giving Nate the right moment to destroy it for him.

"Hold on a minute -  Sully this is fake," Nate announce and I smirk as Talbot's smile disappears into a frown, I cross my arms as my father grabs Talbot's jewelers loupe and had a look at the fake, British money.

" I assure you, Mr. Drake and Miss Sullivan..." Talbot tries to assure us just as he's cut off by my father. "Whoa, whoa, you are right. This is phony as a three dollar bill... what the hell are you tryin' to pull here?" My father asks annoyed at the fact that we almost left with fake money, he tosses the money to me and I tossed it into the suitcase.

"Perhaps I should be asking you," Talbot says as Nate closes the suitcase pushing it towards Talbot, grabbing onto the ring and Talbot's hand goes onto the top of Nate's, "The deal's off, pal," Nate announces.

"You blew this and you can tell that to your client!" I snap at him before pushing Nate slightly for him to move forward so we could get out of here. "You're not really in a position to negotiate. Now, give me the ring, take the case, and walk out of here like gentlemen and ladies," Talbot says.

I glare at Talbot as Nate is pushed back next to me by Cutter, "You're a thief!" Nate tells Talbot with a glare, "Well, now that's ironic," Talbot says before we look at each other, I look over my shoulder to see a guy getting out of his seat and walking over to me.

I smile and swiftly turned and kicked him in the stomach whilst the men grab the two pool sticks smacking the other two guys in the head, snapping the sticks in half. I grab the guys head, slamming it against the pool table just as I'm pushed straight into my father. 

I groan as I'm slammed against the wall, the man lifts his fist and slams it straight into the brick wall since I dodged the punch, I knee him in the crotch causing him to lean over in pain, I grabbing him by his top before slamming his head into the wall, knocking him straight out.

"C'mon. No time to rest," I hear Nate say to my father as I head over to next guy, grabbing one of the chairs, swinging it at the guy, the chair shatters as it hits the guy around the head. "C'mon let's get outta here," My father tells us as all the man lay on the floor knocked out.

Suddenly the door slams open, revealing a huge guy, the guy from earlier. "Hey, there, big fella," Nate says as the guy cracks his knuckles, suddenly my father jumps onto his back, giving him the Nate the chance to hit in with the stool.

I gasp as I'm dragged down to the floor, I look up to see the guy from earlier looking down at me smirking, I quickly roll away once he lifted his foot and crashed it down where my head once was. I kick his feet from under him sending him straight to the floor with a thud.

I quickly get on top of him and punched him repeatedly in the head until he goes unconscious, "Nate!" I shout as I notice Nate get tossed out of the coloured window which sent him down to where the bar is. 

This has just turned bad very quickly.

Make It Possible-Nathan Drake x OCWhere stories live. Discover now