Chapter 2

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"Is that it, father?" I ask as I stand in front next to my father, in front of a museum display case. Inside was a ring, I think the ring my father looking for, "That's it, Vi," My father announces, petting the top of my tied up hair, I frown and push his hand away and glared at him causing him to laugh.

"Stop doing that! I'm not a little kid!" I snap at him as I follow behind him, I'm thirteen for god's sake, not four. I'm a teenager NOT a little kid, "Well... I'll stop doing it once you stop acting like a kid," I gasp in shock and pushed him slightly forward but it didn't do much, it didn't even budge him and this action caused him to laugh even more as we head out of the museum.

"Where are we going?" I ask as I walk along side my father down the street, I smile at my father who smiles at me back, he puts his hand into his pocket pulling out a key. "We need a key, to get the ring," My father announces, putting his arm around my shoulder, making sure to keep me close as we walk through the crowds, I don't want to get lost, not again.

I look over my shoulder, thinking someone is watching us, not making it noticeable, I turn to see a young boy properly a little older than me following us, "Someone's following us," I tell my father as I close the doors which are near some butcher meat properly pigs or something.

"Yeah, I know... Let's just keep going,"My father tells me, holding the door to a building for me, allowing me in first before locking it closed, properly to stop people, including that boy from following us.

I jump onto one of the red couches in the room as my father paces around telling the men that he has a lady waiting for him, the lady is Kate. A woman I really don't like but I'm only being all right with it for my father's sake, hoping this woman could be the one to make him happy.

I don't know much about my mother since I've lived with my father almost my whole life, my father has always been there for me, I don't even know if my mother is alive or not but I do know that I'm exactly like her... well that what my father says and Kate since she knew my mother but whenever I ask if she knew she was alive she basically just flips me off.

She is so annoying, she always seems jealous to that I always get my father's attention, even when I don't intend too, it shows how much he cares and loves me. "Come, on Vi... Time to go!" My father calls snapping me out of my thoughts.

"We gotta meet Kate now," My father announces, almost making me groan but I managed to stop myself. I turn away in disgust as Kate walks to kiss my father, it's disgusting! But it did work out in my favor since the boy that had been following us is climbing down the sign.

I jump as an arm goes to my shoulder, I smile up at my father as he keeps me by his side walking through the crowd, why is this place so busy? I hate large crowds, I have since I was little, every since I lost my father a crowd, it's scared me since. 

"How have you been Violet? I didn't see you earlier," I hear Kate ask as I sit on a plastic seat with my arms crossed looking down at the floor, completely ignoring Kate, "Violet!" My father says slowly, basically telling not to be rude.

"Good!" I snap back and started to swing my legs back and further, ignoring the conversation. "Violet, come with me for a second," My father orders, leaving Kate on her own. I jump off the seat and chased after my father who has walked through an alley and is standing in front of the boy, holding onto his wrist so he wouldn't run off.

"Sueltame, Viejo!" The boy shouts, struggling to get out of my father's grip. "Let's try that again," My father says and the boy side, telling him to let go in English. "Ahh, that's what I thought. Now, don't try to run," 

My father let's go of him, as the boy snatches his arm away from my father, I stand in front of the boy and looked at him as he glared at me, only to get one back. "you're a long way from home, son,"

"Don't call me that," The boy huffed, rubbing his wrist as he carried on glaring at us. "Parents must be worried about you," My father announces and he realises that it's a sore subject by the way he replies.

"That was a nice lift back there. You're pretty good,"

"I don't know what you're talking about, old man," The boy tells him, with his a brow raised in confusing, trying to lie his way out and take what he stole from my father, I giggle, only for me to get a glare, I just smirk at him.

"You're not doing a great job, even I knew you were following and I'm only learning," I tell the boy, he turns to look at me and smirks and tells me that I'm crazy, I smirk and shake my head, he really isn't doing a good job.

"You've been tailing us all over town. Properly figured me for an easy mark since I had her with me. But you picked the wrong guy, pal," My father tells the young boy, who didn't look worried at all, since he slowly moved back but my father stopped him, demanding his wallet back but he wouldn't budge, just putting his hands on his waist.

"Fine, maybe we'll just call the police," My father threats but the boy edged him on, "Go ahead. Course they might wonder why a middle-aged tourist is following young boys down alleyways," The boy threaten back which I knew got my father since I knew he wouldn't want to take the risk since I would have nowhere to go.

"Kid... The wallet?"

The boy chuckles before finally giving in, grabbing my father's wallet tossing it back to him, "Had to try," He says before walking about. "You sure did," I say to myself as I watch the mystery boy jog down the street, he's really a mystery.

Hey, guys. Sorry, it took so long to post a chapter but updates will be slow since college is ending and I need to finish off work and I have exams I need to revise for but other than that hope you enjoy the chapter.

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