Chapter 11

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I hold my breath, praying that nothing would happen whilst once we squeeze through the small gap beneath the puzzle Nate has just figured out. "I was worried that something was going to happen," I smile as nothing happened to none of us.

I turn back around to grab the light from Nate as he and my father come on into the hidden room. I got to say, this isn't what I had expected. There are bones in the small gaps in the wall whilst which looks like a coffin is right at the end of the room, that doesn't look sketchy at all.

"Lord Godfrey, I presume," My father states as I hand the torch back over to Nate, "The one and only," Nate replies as we all start walking to Lord Godfrey who must be the one laying in the coffin at the end of the room.

The men laugh as we head towards the coffin, "This is it," Nate chuckles before asking my father to hold onto the torch. I put my hands on the coffin top which hand a statue who was laying on its side on top of it.

We don't push it completely off, only enough that we could see what is inside. The one thing in there are, of course, Lord Godfrey's bones. I cringe as Nate reaches inside of the coffin and grabs something off the body.

"Look, it's some sort of amulet... Something written here," Nate blows onto the amulet and removes the dust from it so he could see what it says, Nate quickly pulls out his notebook and starts a quick sketch of the amulet.

"Gonna do this right on top of Lancelot, huh?" 

"How classy of you," I shake my head and chuckles at his simple uh huh, answer. I turn to look at my father, "We seem to really like disturbing the dead," Shrugging my shoulders as my father agrees as Nate quickly finishes the sketch of the amulet.

I got to say, there are times I am really jealous of Nate's drawing skills. I would love to be able to do stuff like that especially that quick. Think I should just keep to photography.

"It's in Sabean script," Nate announces as he stares at the amulet. "Well, that would be from ancient Yemen, all right,"

"Yeah," Nate agrees as he looks at his book and the amulet. "Exactly where Francis Drake would've landed back in the 16th century," Nate announces as I look at the amulet, you can definitely tell that it was made earlier than that century.

"Could Yemen be a city of some kind?" I question, looking at Nate as my father quickly answers. "Yeah, from 3000 years ago. Without the rest of that inscription, we still don't know where to look,"

"Well, let's hope the other half is in Syria," 

"And Charlie and Chloe can find it," I sign, really hoping that they didn't have the same problem as us, with all of Talbot's men but that's most definitely unlikely. I bet they followed them too.

We all turned away from the remains of Godfrey and his coffin, walking back to the small entrance to the puzzle room. I crouch down and moved through the gap and stand back up, only to freeze when I see that we aren't the only people here.

Nate and my father follow after me, just as they were about to grab their guns, Talbot smirks with his gun aimed at us. "Ah, I wouldn't recommend that,"

"Shit," My father curses as he keeps the light out in front of him. "Nice work, lady, and gentlemen," Talbot praise us as we all glare at him and his two men who are holding and pointing rifles at us,

"Harris, please relieve Mr. Drake of the artifact," The man on his left side, moves away and walks towards us, making sure his rifle is still pointing at us. "Yeah, Harris, come get it," Nate encourages.

I turn and frowned at Nate, moving closer to Nate knowing exactly what he is up too, "Don't Nate... You're going to get you or the rest of us killed," I scowl at him. Hoping he would listen but who does he ever listen too?

Nate quickly grabs onto the rifle, trying to get the gun from Harris' hands but he jumps back once a bullet skims past his arm. He groans holding onto his arm, I roll my eyes knowing this was going to happen.

"Now - it's hardly worth dying over is it?" Talbot questions with his still calm voice, which is really getting annoying by the minute. He's only this calm because he knows he's going to get what he wants which is the amulet.

"Your friends don't think so," Talbot references us, "Especially, Miss Sullivan... she already told you not to," I turn and glare at him. How much I would love to get my gun out and start firing at him but I know that if I do that, we will all be killed.

"C'mon, Nate," My fathers tell him, Nate knows exactly what he's talking about. He turns to look at him and I nod my head. "It's not worth it," I whisper to him as he hands the artifact over the Harris.

Harris starts walking away but stops once we all hear a weird noise coming closer to the room. It's definitely something I've never heard before. "What is that?" Harris questions with a worried look.

I gasp as these large spiders start surrounding us. "Stay in the light," My father orders as I grab onto Nate, pulling him closer once we realise that they don't like the light. The creatures, start crawling all over Harris, I keep a hold of Nate, watching in complete horror.

"Get it! Quickly!" Talbot snaps at the other man as Harris begs for them to get those things off of him. "Your torch seems to be dying out," Talbot announces as we all turn to look and he's right, it is going to die out soon and we'll be in Harris' position.

"Good luck with that," Talbot and his last man walks backward and closes the door, leaving us with these horrible creatures. "Bastard!" I hiss as the door locks shut. "We gotta find a way outta here, fast." My father tells us as the torch quickly dying out.

"Wait. Up there," My father and I turn to see a gap in the wall which we didn't originally notice as we entered the room. "Let's go," I tell them as we all run towards the part where the only way out is.

"Vi... you're first," My father says as Nate puts his hands out so he could boost me up, I quickly place my foot his hands before he pushes me up. Leaving me up there on my own, my father was next, leaving the torch where Nate was standing so none of these spiders could get him.

We both lay on our stomachs with our hands out to help Nate out of the room. "Come on," My father groans once we pulled him up and start running with those spiders chasing after us. Now I'm officially afraid of spiders.

"Come on, we gotta go!" I turn to see Nate helping my father up, Nate looks up to look at me and shouts, "Just run!" I stay there for a second before following Nate's orders and carry on running, praying that the two were behind me.

"Come on, quickly," I beg as I stand near a door. The two quickly move through the door, Nate falling to the floor as my father and I close the door, hoping it would stop the spiders. "Oh, God, they're coming through the ceiling," My father announces as the spiders start filling the room again.

We don't stand there for long and we all trying to get out of this hell hole. Running up some stone stairs with Nate behind me and my father in front of me. The spiders still following close behind.

I jump off the edge of the stairway as my father grabs my hand from our way out into the light. I'm about to wait for Nate but my father pushes me from the window, I groan as I hit the floor as I'm gasping for breath.

I stay kneeling on the floor as the other two join me down the bottom, now officially away from the spiders. I make a small scream as a spider runs right over my hand, scuffling away from the window.

I could hear the men checking if they were clear, I don't move for a second only to move to lie on the floor. I'm never coming to France ever again. I jump once I feel something on my arms, thankfully it was only Nate.

"Are you all right?" Nate asks with a worried look, checking if I had any of those spiders on me. "I'm fine... are you?" Nate smiles and nods before helping me back to my feet. "Let's not go back in there," I say as they both agree.

As we all head through a hole in the ground and start searching for a way out.

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