Chapter 6

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After a long journey, we finally arrived at the place where Marlowe had disappeared too. Well after forcing Nate to get us in, allowing us to enter the underground and he should have expected it, we almost always make him do the dirty work unless one of us NEEDS to go with him which is normally me or my father.

"Hey, over here," I hear Nate whisper as we all walk onto the top floor which has a load of books which are most probably still in use. I quickly, quietly turn my light off and quietly walk up the small fence, stopping us from going over.

I walk next to Charlie and Nate as we head closer as voices could be heard below, very familiar voices. "I'm not interested in your excuses," We all hear an extremely familiar female, bitchy voice say.

We all run to cover, Nate goes and leans against a pillar whilst the rest of us hide behind the small fencing, so she couldn't see us. "He was a loose cannon and you should have known," Marlowe says as she walks towards a small desk whilst Talbot walks to the other side holding onto a small box.

"Yes, it was regrettable-"

"Sh-tch. Not regrettable. Sloppy," Marlowe snaps whilst she took the wooden box from Talbot. "Your poor judgment could have cost us everything," Marlowe finishes as she picks up the golden disk. 

"Four hundred years of seraching," We all watch as Marlowe grabs the 'ring' placing it where the real ring would go. Sadly for her, the ring wouldn't stay in or activate anything making her furious that it wouldn't work.

"What is this?" Marlowe asks holding up the ring. "I don't understand," Talbot starts to say in complete confusion as Marlowe starts expecting it herself. I smirk, so happy that we are already so much a head, we have the real ring but she has the disk but knowing Nate, he'd get it somehow.

I look up as Nate looks down at me and smirks obviously pleased with himself. "It's a forgery," Marlowe finally realises and Talbot looks as clueless as ever, he quickly tries and reassures that he did have the ring but once he expected it again he realised it wasn't real at all.

This scene is very eventful, I've never liked her and so glad that we had destroyed her excitement but now she probably knows that we're also looking, even though she likes to get other people to do her dirty work, she is smart and I know that, smart enough to know that we've got the real ring and is also look for Francis' secret.

"You men stand guard and stay alert. We may have been followed," Marlowe tells her men before ordering the others to follow her, I watch as she exited the room, leaving us four with two men, we can take them on easy.

I turn up to Nate to see him gesturing me to move away, I quietly signed but carefully snuck away towards the stairs with the other two men behind me. As I walk down the stairs I could hear a slight thud and a few seconds later, a bone snap.

Telling us that the guards are dead and we're safe for now. "This is quite the operation they've got going here," I hear my father say as we meet Nate by the desk, I cringe as I notice a large spider, those are definitely one things I don't like.

I can tolerate the small ones but not the big ones and definitely not that size. "Hey, Vi. Look, it's your favorite creature as he taps onto the large jar covered in green gunk. "Fuck off Nate, you wait until we get back, I'm so buying a clown mask," I smirk at him, making him glare at me.

"Don't be mean," Nate says as he walks behind lightly pushing me only for him to have a push back. I couldn't believe how much our relationship is changing, we never used to be like this but after I almost died from being blown up by Harry, everything changed.

We now have a playful relationship but I can still be pretty serious but I've definitely lightened up and I definitely thank Nate for that. "Go on, we don't have much time," I tell Nate, gesturing him to the disk, Nate nods his head and walks towards the box which has the disk in.

Nate starts to remove the ring from his neck but stopped to pick up a small notebook. "What are you-" My father starts to say but stops, just allowing him to look through the book. "My God, do you know what this is?"

Charlie and I look at each other, really confused on what he is on about, it's a notebook. "It's a book, mate. There's a lot of them in here, it's a library," Charlie sarcastically says causing me to chuckle, I love his sarcasticness but it can be annoying especially at times.

"It's not just any book, wise-ass. Belonged to T.E Lawrence - Y'know, 'Lawrence of Arabia'," Nate says as he flicks through the book, stopping at a certain page. "This was mailed from Dorset on the day of his motorcycle accident - May 13, 1935. They must've killed him," Nate announces.

"'They?'" My father asks. 

"Yeah, 'they.' They. Them. Whoever these people are," Nate says, gesturing who once standing by this desk. "Oh, what a lot of rubbish. It was an accident," Charlie says, I cross my arms and looked down to the floor, lightly kicking at the floor, waiting for their debate to start.

And sadly it did start and my father quickly was the one to break it up by calling to Nate. "That thing that you have been waiting twenty years for?" My father gestures to the disk and finally, Nate removes the ring, grabbing the disk and placed the ring in the center. 

This time, the ring fit and caused parts of the disk with, which looks like letters to start spinning and Nate quickly started to figure out what it is. "L... O... H... D... N..."

"What is it?" Charlie asks as Nate stops writing and stands straight back up. "Ahh, it's 'Long Hidden,'"

"What!" My father snaps and Charlie and I shush him. "No, shit, 'Long Hidden' - are you kidding me?" My father snaps in a whisper. "No offense, mate, but your ancestor was right asshole," Charlie says to Nate.

"Come... this has to mean something," I say, over the years I've been doing this these people never give anything without a little thinking. "She's right, it's an anagram," Nate announces before getting to work to try and figure out the anagram.

"Golden Hind. The Golden Hind," Nate tells us and I look up above me to see in fact a hind, a golden hind. "Hey, Nate..."

All the boys turn to look at me, looking at me in confusion. 

"I think I've your Hind,"

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