Chapter 20

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Nate slowly starts to wake, flinching slightly from the drug. He looks down to see everything he had on him laying on a table, from the notebook to the map, it all laid out in front of him, he slowly raises his head to see Marlowe sitting in front of him, holding the ring him her hands, a small smirk on her face. "Welcome back,"

Nate quickly leans back and start looking around to see Talbot is also there and somebody else, Talbot sat on Nate's right with a smug look on his face, Nate turns slightly to the left to have a slight glance at the other man. "I don't recommend making a scene," Marlowe simply tells him, "You're not exactly here legally, remember?"

Nate doesn't speak a word, trying to avoid as much eye contact as he could as Marlowe carries on talking, staring at the ring in her hands. "'Greatness from small beginnings...'" She reads off of the ring, she chuckles slightly as Nate finally just stares at her, not making any effort to say anything. "Beneath that cocky exterior, you're still the same scared, filthy little runaway, aren't you?"

"Skip the mind games. You don't know me," Nate glares before looking back at the table. "In fact, I suspect I know you better than anyone, Mr. Drake... Of course, that's not your real name, is it? but we won#t dwell on that," Marlowe places her glasses on as Nate turns at her with a slightly shocked look.

He watches as Marlowe picks up some paper and starts reading. "Mother commits suicide... Father surrenders son to the state at the age of five... Entrusted to the St. Francis Boys Home..." Marlowe quickly laughs as she carries on reading, a smile on her face as she comments. "It's all so Dickensian,"

Suddenly Nate's eyes move towards a picture on the table, a picture of Violet which was taken some point today at some point. "Miss Violet Sullivan, I never liked that girl. She was always such a brat, I even tried convincing Victor to get rid of her at some point, sadly that didn't happen, I'll never understand,"

Nate just glared, hating the way she was talking about Violet but refuses to say something and just carried on listening. "She is just like her mother, she may have her fathers sarcasm but she definitely has her mothers attitude... did you know her mother and I had been close friends but once she left and decided to find the city on her own. I quickly declared her dead, I know she found it... I don't know how but I believe that's where she is. Dead... thank goodness,"

Nate looks at her completely confused, Violet never spoke of her mother much and Marlowe knew all along where her mother could be. "What do you want from me?" Nate asks, having had enough of Marlowe talking about Violet like the way she did. Marlowe slowly removes her glasses as she replies to Nate's question. "Well, as much as it pains me to admit it, I need your help. To find Victor Sullivan and Violet Sullivan,"

"Right," Nate simply says as he looks way once again as Marlowe starts to explain. "We already know he has the coordinates to find Iram,"

"How do you know that?"

"You told us, Nathan. It seems your loyalty isn't as firm as you'd like to think it is, what about his?" Nate quickly turns to look at the woman in front of him, an annoyed and confused look on his face. "Wait... What are you trying to pull?"

"Nothing. It's just - well, we've had you 'in our clutches' for quite some time now... and he hasn't exactly mounted a rescue. He didn't 'rescue' you back in Cartagena, either. He just saw something he could exploit, just like his daughter, she was also something he could exploit,"

The conversation carries on a little longer until they managed to find Sully and Violet, the man from the left places both his hands on Nate's shoulder, he stays still for a few seconds before flipping the table sending everything on it in the air and starts chasing after the man after the two, Talbot, chasing after him through Yemen, trying to keep on his tail to stop him from taking Sully and Violet. Once he did manage to catch up to him and send him to the floor, he was hit over the head with a wooden plank, knocking him out cold.

Nate gasps once the object blocking his eye site was removed from his head, he looks around to see that he is in some kind of old ship, he looks up to see a man in front of him sat in a chair, holding his arms out with a hat in his hands and says something in Arabic, Nate frowns, not being able to understand anything the man is saying.

"Remember me? Rameses. You should thank me, my friend," Rameses introduces himself as he puts the hat on his head, Nate just frowned at him before he finally 'thanked' him. "No, really. The English lady paid me to get rid of you. But me? I'm a nice guy, I saved your life. Right now, I am the only friend you got,"

Nate nods his head as he looks down to see he's tied to the chair, Nate looks around to see there are quite a few men around. "And now you figure I owe you something. Is that it?"

Rameses nods his head, "Smart guy, I like that. You are way ahead of me," Nate just waits as he announces there is a question about Iram, Nate nods now knowing what he wants, he wants to know where it is and he wasn't going to tell him a thing but he did know one thing, Nate had to get back to make sure Violet and Sully are alright.

Nate coughs as he finally starts to wake up, he signs as he lifts his head to see that he was back where he needed to be. Nate slowly stands back to my feet and take a good look just to make sure. "How convenient," Nate whispers before he finally starts moving, heading towards where Elena must be. He greets the man who was standing on the beach as he sees if everybody is safe or not.

Elena had her phone to her ear as she paces in the small, placing her foot on the small coffee table for a second before turning around, she gasps slightly before hanging up the phone and speed walking towards the door. "Nate," Elena pulls the man into a hug, happy to see that he is in fact alive.

"I thought this was frowned upon," Nate jokes, Elena just chuckles and tells him to shut up. "I really thought you were gone this time, are you okay?" Elena asks as she places are hand on his shoulder with worry. "Is uh... is Sully...? Vi...?"

A sad look spreads across her face, "They're alive... but they got them,"

"What?" Nate turns and frowns before asking where. Elena places her hands on her waist as she looks back to Nate and starts explaining where they were taken. "We gotta go -" Nate starts to move out of the building but was quickly stopped by Elena, lightly pushing him onto the sofa and moves to close the door.

"They've got at least two days' head start on us. So, we'll never catch up," Elena explains as she takes a seat next to him. "I've got a plan. But we're only going to get one shot at this," Elena quickly starts to explain the plan, pointing at certain points on the drawn map before telling him that the plane wasn't leaving until dawn and made sure he would get some sleep at least before the two went to the airport to catch the plane.

I literally just completed this story, I decided that I would get this done and completed and go onto the final part and end this series, I hope you enjoy the remaining chapters and I'm sorry for making you wait so long, I'll let you all know when the last one is up and I'm going to try and complete the story before publishing it.

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