Chapter 8

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I sit quietly in the back of the red vehicle, Nathan slowly stops the car in the middle of the jungle in Eastern France. I peek out of the window to only see trees, leaves and... more trees.

"End of the line, I guess," Nate says as completely stops the vehicle, Nate turns to my father and points and tells him no before he could even say anything but you just knew he was about to make some kind of comment.

I remove my seatbelt and opened the door, slamming it shut before stretching my body. Some clicks could be heard echoing in my body, I sign in relief as my stiff body finally feels better. "Looks like we're going to rest on the way on foot," Nate announces as he walks to stand next to me.

"Are you sure this is the right place?" I question, looking around hoping to see some kind of clue that what we're looking for is here but nothing is in sight. I feel a hand go to my shoulder, squeezing it slightly as a reassurance.

"I'm positive that this is the right place, don't worry," Nate positively tells me, it's been some time since I've been on an adventure every since me almost dying, I just haven't wanted to risk it and I can't lie, I'm scared it will happen again or even worst or anything happens to Nate or my father, I don't know how I could cope without either of them.

Nate's arm falls from my shoulder and grabs something out of his pocket, but I didn't look since I turned to look at my father who starts chuckling. I raise my eyebrow as a question for his chuckle.

"What?" Nate asks as my father walks towards us as he replies, "Leave it to you to find a friggin' jungle in the middle of France," We both chuckle and I agreed, of course, Nate found a jungle in France, he seems to find the unusual things in countries which in our case is a good thing.

"Well, we're definitely headed in the right direction. Chateau should be this way," Nate points ahead as we all start heading further into the jungle. My father sign before Nate taps his shoulder and tells him it isn't that far.

"Not too far?" My father questions, "With you, I never know if that means a quarter mile or twenty. Like that time you got us lost in Peru," I laugh once he brought Peru up, that's why I don't really trust him in navigating us to places.

"You really want to bring up Peru?"

"You are not still holding that over me?" My father chuckles as we walk through the jungle, "I was fifteen, Sully. Shoulda known when I met ya that I'd be in prison within a year,"

"I saw it coming from the first day we met," I state nudge my shoulder with Nate's, smirking at him. "Yeah? and why do you say that?" He asks, with a look on his face.

I shake my head in unbelief before I start explaining, "Well... you did steal off my father the first time we met," Nate just shrugs before nudging me back. "We wouldn't be in this position if I didn't."

"Sometimes I wish you didn't," I quietly say, staring ahead for a second before turning back to Nate, I start laughing at his expression, I wipe the tears from my eyes as I try not to look at Nate's disbelief face, I always find that face funny.

"Besides I got you out, didn't I? I always got you out," My father says and I nod agreeing with him if it wasn't for my father. There was a chance that he could still be in prison for the museum break-in.

"Finally," I say as we all finally arrived at Chateau. The building just looked breathtaking, the fact that it's still actually standing, even though it's was built in the eleventh century. I stay where I was standing as the other two walked ahead.

In Shambhala, I remember seeing the beautiful place and just wanting to take a picture and this time I actually brought my waterproof camera with me, I hear a chuckle from in front of me. I look away from the camera to see Nate smirking at me.

"You brought your camera?" He asks with a smile, "I know you love photography but I didn't think you'd bring your camera with you,"

"Hey! It's a small camera and I want to document our final adventures before we marry and stop this," I announce, snapping a picture of the building before I put it back away in my pocket, I send Nate a fake smile as I walk towards my father who is searching for a way into the building.

"Hey..." I stop moving as Nate turns me back to him, "I know you're scared, I won't let anything happen to you, not like last time. I promise you," I smile at what Nate had said, I know he shouldn't promise something like this but I know he'll always try to protect me.

Ever since we were younger, he's protected me in almost every way, but as I got older I tried to stop him protecting me so much and after almost dying from the explosion, I knew he was only doing it because he cared and I was just too stubborn to realise that.

"I know, I'm glad I got you," I whisper to him, moving closer to him and wrapping my arms around his waist, placing my head on his chest for a few seconds, he hugs back before we both moved away from the embrace.

I lightly punch his shoulder and smirked at him, "C'mon. Let's get this started," I tell him and grabbed his hand for a second and dragged him over to my father who is still trying to open the two large, wooden doors.

"Still no way in?" I ask as I stand next to my father, who shakes his head and stares at the door. Suddenly Nate says out of nowhere. "I bet I can climb up through that hole," 

My father and I turn and look up to see a large hole in a part of the building. "I bet you can," My father replies, I turn to see him as he pulls out one of his cigars. "Let me guess. You're gonna sit tight, smoke a cigar again. And you will be going around taking pictures,"

My father and I look at each other and both agree to what he says, I notice Nate rolling his eyes as he starts climbing up the side of the building. "Hey, Nate!" I call, Nate stops climbing and looks down waiting for me to say what he was waiting for.

"Good luck in there," I tell him with a wink before pulling out my camera and start roaming the area, taking some amazing photos. Some I most definitely will keep and treasure.

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