Chapter 10

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"Glad to see you finally decided to turn up," I chuckle at Nate as I reload my gun just in case any more of Marlowe's men decide to turn up whilst we head towards the tower. Nate just rolls his eyes and ignores me before asking my father to help him open the door. 

I aim my gun at the door whilst the two men stand next to the door, their shoulder next to the wooden door waiting to badge it open. The two looks at each and nods, at the same time they badge their way through the door.

I quickly follow behind them as they tumbled into the next room which is completely open to the sky and we're not the only ones here. "Well, which way now?" My father asks as he holds his gun tightly.

"I'm not really sure," Nate replies as I carefully walk down the decaying wooden stairway. I jump once I notice a body laying on the floor, I hold my gun out just in case the person is still alive but realised, he most definitely wasn't.

"Umm, guys?... I would come and look at this," I call up to the two on the floor above as I look at the dead body in confusion, how is he like this?

"Look at this," I point towards the dead man as my father and Nate walk towards me. "What the hell?" Nate whispers to himself as he kneels down beside me to look at the deceased man, I look down at Nate as he looks back up and announced. "It's one of Talbot's men,"

"It was," My father comments, the body is already decomposing which is completely impossible since we haven't been here long, so his man hasn't either and my father announces that as he looks around the room.

"Yeah, but what could've happened to him?" Nate questions as he stands back up and looks shrugs as my father replies. "Come on, let's go. We don't need one of us turning like this," I say and walked away from the green, decaying body.

Nate nods and walks towards a small hatch next to Talbot's deceased man which I never even noticed since this man caught my attention, not in a very good way either. I quickly follow after my father and Nate, jumping through the hatch landing near the wall in the room.

The floor is covered three different symbols and another two which is at both ends. "Hey, the tiles depress when you step on them," My father tells Nate who is standing on one which looks like an X.

My father gestures me to come stand with him and allow Nate to figure this out. Watching carefully as he looks into his journal and walks over individual tiles until he gets to the end and he got it right since the wall on his right opens up, revealing a hidden room or passageway.

"That's it! You did it!" My father shouts as the door opens up, I look around the room were in and announce "This puzzle was easier than I thought," Nate chuckles as I walk past him, entering the hidden room, only to see darkness.

"It's pitch dark in here. Wanna give us some light?" Nate asks my father as I lead the way through the short, dark corridor as we enter the slightly lighter room. My father agrees and walks towards one of the torches on the wall and flicks his light and place the flame onto the cloth, setting on it on fire and lighting the room completely.

"Look at this place," I whisper as I gasp in shock, not expecting this kind of room to be here. "Hm. Seems to be an alchemist's lab," Nate announces as he walks towards the table right in the middle of the room which is laying onto of a symbol, the same symbol on the wall behind me.

"Wait a second..." I turn to look at Nate as he stares at the symbol on the table, "Does this place remind you of anything?"

"Yeah, Marlowe's creepy hideout, now that you mention it," My father replies. 

"Yeah, I agree. Just... a bit more... old looking," I say as I wander towards the bookshelves, trying my hardest not to trip of a small pile of destroyed books. I sign in disappointment as a load of books are in French and I, sadly can't speak any other language than English.

"Sully. Sully, Vi, this was John Dee's lab,"

"Oh my goodness," I whisper in shock but why was it here in France? "Well, he must've traced the clues back to the Crusades, just like Lawrence did," Nate answers my father's question.

"Hey, look at this," My father gestures us to come over, I look over my fathers shoulder. "It's a script," I say, lightly feel the indents from the script. "Huh, Sabaean script again. But what are these symbols? Looks like he was trying to work something out," 

"There's some sort of message written here in Enochian script,"

"Why don't try a convert it, find out what it says," I tell Nate, nodding his head, agreeing with me as he grabs the disk out of his pocket, putting the ring in the center and starts to decipher the message on the table.

"The altar guards the entrance... to the underworld. Huh. Well, he did use magic to conjure spirits," Nate says with a slight shrug as he looks between me and my father.

"Yeah. Or the altar could be hiding a secret passage," I nod and smile, this table must be the way we get through. "I agree, lets push," Chuckling at Nate's face, whilst I walk beside Nate, putting my hand on the destroyed, decaying side as pushed the table from it's original spot.

"Well, would you look at that?" My father says as we all stare down, revealing the hidden entrance the script had said. "Crafty old bastard," Nate compliments with a smile.

"Why thank you," My father thanks making me laugh out loudly as Nate tells him he wasn't complimenting him but John Dee. "Don't worry, your pretty crafty, I'll compliment you on that," I chuckle as my father rolls his eyes and gestures me to go down first.

I jump from the decayed lander entering the dark cave. "Oh, here we go," I suddenly hear Nate's voice, I wrap my arms around myself as I stay in one place just in case. "Sully, gimme a light," 

I jump slightly as I feel something brush past me, not thinking anything of it. I hear the lighter before the cave finally light up, revealing where Nate and my father was but I wasn't anywhere near them.

"Y'know, one of these days you're really going to have to start carrying your own matches," My father tells Nate as Nate turns to look at him, giving him a confused look. "What are you talking about?" He asks as we walk deeper into the cave.

"Looks like they really wanted to keep something out,"

"Or in," My father finishes Nate's sentence as he walks to the door, getting ready to lift the beam off the door, Nate hands me the torch as he goes and help my father before opening the large wooden door.

I keep a hold of the torch as we enter the room, I hand the torch over to Nate as I walk the opposite way to the other two, looking to the wall which had an animal looking at it in confusion before I turn to where the boys are, of course it's a puzzle .

We're slowly getting closer to what we're look for here.

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