Chapter 5

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I stand next to my father as I listen to all the noises that are most probably from Nate but thankfully it didn't take long for him to get into the building. "Gimme a hand with this," Nate calls from the other side of the garage door.

Charlie quickly moves forward to help Nate open the door as the rest of us, look around making sure nobody is coming. I walk into the garage, it's empty, no signs of someone being in here. "Does anybody see a car? Cause I don't see a car," 

"I don't understand," I hear Chloe say before my father angrily curses as Charlie closes the garage door, "Are you positive that this is the right one?" I ask as I walk past Nate to have a look. "Yes. The green door. I'm sure," Chloe replies back with a lot of confidence that this garage is the right one.

"Nate, we are losing time here," My father tells him, completely frustrated. "That damn briefcase is looking better and better," 

"I agree with you there," I agree with my father, "All right, come on," Nate starts to say as he puts his hand on my shoulder, causing me to roll my eyes, he normally does this when he tries to reassure me about things. "They didn't just vanish into thin air, right? There's gotta be an explanation. Just spread out and look around," Nate orders.

I sign as I start looking around, why did I agree to do this. I didn't even want to be here in the first place, Nate sadly, somehow persuaded me to come, it sad how easy he can persuade me. I look down to the floor, yeah they were definitely here.

"Tire track, they were here alright," I announce as I stand back up, walking around looking for anything else. "Hey, check this out," Nate called, we all walk over to see Nate lifting up his foot which the stone under neither it also rose up.

"Hmmm... Some kind of mechanism," Chloe says and Nate agrees before thinking about it and of course, he figured it out. "Four tires, four points of contact. Sully stand right there. You two, back there and there," Nate orders everyone, they all got into position whilst I stood offside.

"All right, everybody on three, ready? One, two, three," They all jump at the same time, landing onto the stones but nothing happened, I stare at the wall in front of them thinking, there is something missing.

"Nate, father. Turn on your torches and aim them at the wall. They can be the headlights," I announce, everybody stays in position whilst Nate and my father grab their torches and aims it at the wall, suddenly something pops out of the wall and the wall starts opening, revealing a hidden doorway. 

"Umm, Nate, just who are we dealing with here?" Chloe asks as we all stare ahead, where a tunnel would guide us somewhere, hopefully, where Marlowe is hiding. "There's only one way to find out," Nate replies before telling Chloe to go back to the van whilst the rest of us go and find where the car is.

"We'll try and stay in radio contact. I'll let you known when we get through to the other side, all right?" Charlie tells her before my father and I head in first with Nate and Charlie behind us. We all slowly walk down, following where the tunnel is taking us. 

"I don't like this place, already," I announce and my father turns to look at me and raises an eyebrow, I look over my shoulder to see Nate doing the same thing, "I just have a weird feeling about this, ok? I really don't like this," I say as Nate, walks past taking the lead, whilst Charlie and my father talk about why they would be driving underground.

"It looks like they board straight into the old service tunnels," Nate announces as we walk towards a gate, which is most definitely locked, but there is another door which is also locked. I rub my hands together as I try and warm them up, I look over to see Nate putting his gun away and opening the know unlocked door.

I look down to see the broken lock as my father gently pushes me through. "We should be able to squeeze through here. I think," Nate tells us as we all head towards another room, which is being cut off by metal and wires.

"Lead on, Macduff," My father says, which made me laugh because he said the wrong words, I follow after Nate, squeezing through which was definitely a tight squeeze, and right now I feel so sorry for Charlie.

"Who the hell is Macduff?" Nate asks once we all got through. "Is there no bottom to your ignorance?" Charlie answers with a question which only made Nate chuckle. 

"What was that?" I gasp and quickly hide behind the wall at the top of the stairs with my father whilst Nate and Charlie hid down the bottom with their guns out before they start shooting, having these silencers were definitely a good thing.

"Oh yeah, nice one mate," Charlie compliments before he gestures us to come down, I walk past Charlie and into the room only to be punched in the face, this causes me to fall and the action stunned me, taking me by surprises.

"Are you all right?" I feel a hand go to my shoulder, I look up to see Nate. I nod my head before feeling my nose to see there is a small amount of blood, "I'm ok, he just took me by surprise. Now help me up,"

I hold out my hand, Nate grabs it and pulls me up to my feet, I quickly thank him as he kisses my forehead, moves to climb up the ladder, so we could catch the other two men who are already walking over the bridge above the tunnels and in a room, well there is a hole and if we fall down it, we will die.

I hold my breath as I watch Nate climb down, I knew he'd be alright but I'm still scared, I'm terrified, I couldn't imagine what would happen if he fell and it didn't help that we all had to do it.

I take a deep breath before jumping over, grabbing onto the pole and sliding down before letting go so I could get to the one below before sliding all the way down, almost slipping due to the damp. 

I sign in relief once I get to the bottom, I just hope we don't have that fair to go, so we could get out of this horrible place.

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