Chapter 18

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"If you're trying to pick up Francis Drake's trail, we should head back to the old quarter," Elena announces as we follow her down some stairs which headed to the local markets. "Ah, so this is the new part?" My father asks as he stands next to Elena whilst I stood next to Nate as we stand at the end of the staircase.

"Well, it's all relative. The city was founded at least three thousand years ago," Elena explains as she took a few steps back and turns her back to us not without gesturing up to following her with her hands, not even bothering to look back at any of us. We took a few steps down the next staircase as Elena points towards a tower which is definitely a few hundred, maybe thousands of years old. "That's where the old city starts. So, we need to make our way over there,"

I nod my head as we all walk towards the gate, I turn to the left to see a man standing behind a large stall of fruit and vegetables, Elena greets the man who is standing under an umbrella to help keep the sun off of him which is understandable as it is incredibly hot and there is a huge chance that I will burn especially now that I am still wearing a tank. Which my body appreciates now but won't later.

"Okay, through here," Elena calls as she opens up the gate and starts walking around the corner before she tells us about our behaviour and how we shouldn't do anything wrong, I just roll my eyes but of course Elena notices. "I'm serious. The police have patrols everywhere, and we don't need to arouse any suspicions,"

We quickly move our way to the market and I had to say Elena's right, I literally just turned the corner to see two police blocking off an entrance and that was the way we need to go, "Is that the way we need to go?" I ask, secretly pointing towards the two men who had their backs to us, Elena looks at me and nods before she turns to explain the situation to the other two.

Elena quickly leaves us on our own as she walks towards the police to see if there is any way she can get us through. "Why does this always seem to happen to us?" I ask the boys, with my arms crossed trying my hardest to ignore the intense heat.

"I know what you mean," My father simply says as Elena comes back to give us the bad news before she guides us to another location, just hope this time we can get in. Sadly after another few minutes, there were more guards patrolling which lead us going up the buildings to see what exactly we're looking for.

Elena stands beside Nate as she points down into the old city. "Those buildings would've been hundreds of years old even when Francis Drake was alive," Elena explains, I am pretty impressed that the buildings are still standing to this quality probably why there aren't that many people walking through other than police, like the few below us but it wasn't an officer it's Talbot.

Once spotting him, Nate quickly disappears to deal with them, leaving my father and me to explain. I look at my father, refusing to even talk about it. I felt like I was about to get scolded if I tell her. "One of you going to explain?" Elena raises an eyebrow.

"We'll explain later, or he will... we need to find another way to Nate," I explain before going back down the side of the building, hoping for another way in before Nate gets himself into trouble.

It took us less than ten minutes to him and of course, he's stirring up trouble by starting a fight with a load of talbots men. "Nate, come on!" Elena shouts as we quickly take off running, hoping to get away from any more of Talbot's men or possible the police. We move back to the outside after running through a small stone corridor which was full of modern day objects.

Elena quickly grabs Nate, to stop him from moving any further as she manages to catch her eye on a door which could hide us from everyone. I sign in relief as I place my hands on my waist taking in a few deep breaths. "Is somebody gonna fill me in here? Who were those guys, and what does Charlie have to do with all this?"

"He was working with us on this one," Nate shrugs as he carries on flipping through the brown notebook, I could see Elena face change from confusion to worry when she catches the 'was' in Nate sentence which quickly leads to her thinking he's dead.

"He's not dead," I quickly reassure her before my father tells her that Chloe was also involved with this. "Yeah, but they both bowed out, when Cutter broke his leg," My father explains which obviously lead to more questions but with my father definition of the event really didn't help Elena one bit.

"All right - just tell me - what you're really looking for,"

"Um... this," Nate replies pointing towards the large heptagon in the middle of the room which somehow none of us apart from Nate managed to notice which was in the middle of a star which was also surrounded by an even larger red outline of a heptagon. Yeah, how did we not see this?

"Sully, Vi, check this out," Using his hand to gesture us over. "Looks like we stumbled right into our secret entrance,"

"Well, that's our girl," My father gives Elena a light tap on the shoulder, we definitely wouldn't find this place without her. "Well, I'm not going down there without some hardware,"

Suddenly Elena remembers about a merchant outside, who looks like a rug merchant but secretly selling guns. I move away knowing what was going to happen next and I was correct, once my father left the building Nate and Elena quickly started arguing before he finally started explaining everything but that quickly lead to arguing.

"All right guys. Stop arguing, you've got enough of time to argue later," I tell them as I lightly push them away with each other, hoping that would help and thankfully more help turned up as my father walks into the room holding three shotguns.


"Why not?" My father quickly hands a gun to me, Elena and kept the last one for himself, leaving Nate without anything, I chuckle at Nate as gives my father a confused look as my father quickly explains himself, "What? He only had three,"

Nate signs to himself as he walks towards the entrance, quickly asking for help to remove the top off, hopefully, which will lead us to find what are searching for.

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