Chapter 13

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We arrived in Syria at the late night, I yawn as I stretched my limbs. I actually slept for quite some time which is very unusual. "Damn it. Still can't reach either one of them," Nate walks up to me and my father as he puts his phone away, "Something is definitely not right," He finishes as he stands beside me.

"How long 'til this place opens?" My father asks as I take the lead and walk up the steps towards the place where Chloe and Cutter should be. "We should have a few hours," I announce as I head towards the door.

I sign and grab the chain which was obviously originally tied shut around the door handles stopping anyone to get in. I hold it up and showed the two men. "Okay, so we know we're not the first ones here," 

"As long as Marlowe and Talbot think we're dead, we've got the element of surprise," My father states as he opens the door, Nate nudges me through first before he follows behind, once we enter my father closes the large wooden door before finishing his sentence. "Let's not waste it,"

Nate and I quickly agree, I cross my arms as me and my father turn to Nate as he repeats the plan to us once again, which is actually a good thing as when he first explained it. It just went through the one ear and straight through the other one.

We all head away from the entrance and to the next passage which is now barred and locked up. "Yeah right, sneak back out," My father chuckles once Nate says the final part of the plan which is sneaking out and we all know that very unlikely.

"It could happen," Nate smirks as I shake my head and disagreed, "You know that's not going to happen," I smirk straight back at Nate before pushing him towards the wall. "Go and check before we come up,"

I roll my eyes as Nate replies, "Yes, ma'am,"

I smile as I watch Nate climb up the side of the building and checked to see if the place was clear before he called us up and heads towards the next part to climb. "Hold on Nate, I'll come with you,"

Nate turns and shakes his head and tells me to say down here until it was safe but he should know by now that I hardly ever listen to him. I sweetly smiled at him before moving him out of my way and carefully started climbing up the side.

"Nate! You alright?" I whisper once the wall that I previously used grumbles underneath him almost sending him to his death. "Yeah, close though," I hear Nate reply as I carry on my journey to the top window. 

I jump through and cringe once some stones from the platform grumble off and hits the floor. "Hey... did you hear that?" I hear someone from below ask as I quickly took cover as I wait patiently for Nate.

Once Nate had arrived, I quickly put my finger to my mouth, telling him to be quiet by the gesture before pointing towards one of Talbots men. Nate nods and quietly heads down the stairs to take the guy out whilst I jumped over to the other to take down the other. 

Suddenly gunfire starts echoing through the place. I quickly hold the man in place, allowing him to take the bullets, I quickly pull out my pistol and start firing my own bullets at him as Nate goes to the bottom floor.

"See this is exactly why I came with you," I say once I reach the bottom.

"Hey, I would have had it completely under control," Nate shrugs as he walks towards the door and removes the large beam. I scoff at his comment before I turn to reply. "Who was the one that got us caught, oh yeah. That was you," I playful say as Nate knocks on the door and shouting to my father that he can come in before he turns towards me.

Nate laughs and lightly kisses my forehead as my father comes in. "What the hell have you two been doing?"

"Uhh... the usual," Nate simply replies before going towards the other door with my father following close behind him. I watch as the door slowly goes down exactly like a drawbridge, now we have to search for Chloe and Cutter which lead us to Nate being lowered into a wheel but it did get us out of the building and closer to finding the two.

Once we all got out of the rooms by shooting the locks on each door, we quickly head towards a staircase. I gasp as I pull out my gun, getting ready to fire but it was quickly lowered once we all notice that it's Chloe and Cutter.

"What the hell?" My father says as he moves his gun so it's pointing to the ceiling. "Why aren't you in France?" Chloe gasps.

"We're rescuing you?" 

"From what?" Cutter asks Nate as he lowers his gun. Nate shrugs and answers, "We thought you'd been captured..." 

"Or worse,"

"We thought you were in big trouble," I finish off the sentence that my father had taken over from Nate. "Wait, why?" Chloe with a slight chuckle. "Well," Nate starts as I put my gun back into my belt.

"Talbot ambushed us at the chateau. It was a trap,"

"Yeah, we figured they must've followed you, too," My father states which we already learned that they are in fact here and Cutter says exactly what I was thinking. "So, we might want to think about keeping it down a little,"

"What happened to you two?" Nate quickly asks Chloe and Cutter as they look behind them. "We've been trying to reach you for over twenty-four hours,"

"Oh, right, I need to top up my minutes," Cutter announces which caused me to chuckle, I didn't expect that and neither did Nate. "You're using a pre-paid phone?" Nate asks with a weird look on his face.

"Mate, those contracts are a complete rip-off,"

Nate quickly turns to Chloe who shrugs her shoulders, "What? Mine's broken,"

"How many have you broke now?" I ask and she smiles and shrugs as Cutter starts showing Nate something as we keep a lookout, knowing that Talbot's men aren't that far away and could come out of nowhere and potentially kill us.

"Right, if you're finished we really need to get going," I announce before we all try and figure out a way to the highest point here. "There - that's the highest tower," Cutter tells us and points to the tower once we all reached the top of the stairs.

"Okay, so we just need to make our way across-" Nate starts to say until Chloe cuts him off once spotting a few of Talbots men, I sign. I knew we weren't going to sneak our way out.

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