Chapter 22

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I sit quietly between my father and the driver, all I know right now that we are headed to the lost city, I feel incredibly nervous but still had some slight comfort, knowing that my father is with me but I also have hope that Nate would come and save us but right now I'm not that sure.

"Sully, Vi! - You in there?" I turn to look at my father, a smile spread to my face, I look past the driver to see Nate on a horse following behind the car, "He's here," I whisper to myself, the smile on my face quickly fades once the man next to my father opens the door getting ready to fire, I nudge my father, using head to gesture him.

He nods and punches the man out of the car, I could hear more gunshots. I look behind me to see a man look through the top and firing at Nate. I quickly grab the man by his neck pulling him down allowing my father to have the chance to get out, I grab his gun and fired a bullet into his head. I quickly climb to the top of the car to see Nate and my father.

A man I've never seen before helping my father onto his horse, Nate turns his attention to me, I take a few shaky breaths as Nate shouts, "Jump on my horse!" Suddenly he gets thrown to the group by a larger man. "Nate!" I call as a brown horse moves to the side of the car. 

"Violet... Get on the horse!" I hear my father shout, I nod and take a deep breath and jump into the saddle, I pull onto the reins which caused the horse to slow down a bit so we could get away from the car, I used the heels of my boots to kick the horse to move a little faster as I try to get as close to the truck as I possibly could as I knew Nate would need to get on at some point.

I watch the scene before me as the man lifts Nate in the air, close enough for Nate to grab onto crane above. He grips the metal tightly and kicked the man away from him.. "Oh, no, no, no, no, no."

I move my sight from the body to Nate to see the crane has moved out of its previous position and out into the road. "Oh my god... Hold on Nate!" I call, nudge the horse again to gallop past the truck and underneath Nate, I look up to make sure I'm in the correct position before I finally tell him to let go, I cringe as the metal scraps the rock and I knew if he didn't let go he'll get killed.

"Let go!" I shout and just in time, Nate lands behind me just as the crane connects with the large boulder causing it to swing and pull the truck off of the edge. I smile as I stop the horse, I look behind me watching as Nate climbs off of the horse, I quickly follow behind as Nate and my father hug, showing how happy to see each other.

Nate quickly turns towards me and chuckles before pulling me into an embrace, he quickly grabs my face and connects our lips, it only lasts a few seconds but it was really all I needed at this moment, he quickly pulls away before turning to ask if we were all right.

I nod my head confirming before he turns to my father. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. But - Dawn. I was sure they'd killed you, kid,"

"Well, they tried, right?" We all chuckle, we should have known that Nate would have been fine. My father asks how he'd found us, just as the man that helped my father rode towards us. "Salim," The man introduces, as he shakes my father's hand just as he reveals his name.

Salim turns to me, I smile and shook his hand. "I'm Violet, thank you so much," I happily cried, just before I let go of his hand, "We haven't got much time, we cannot allow them to reach the city," I nod agreeing and moved towards the horse, petting his head as my father has a small talk with Nate.

"Drake, we must go. Now," Salim nudges his horse and moves straight into a gallop, I wait for ate to climb onto the horse before pulling myself up behind him, holding onto his waist as he turns the horse around. "Never a dull moment, huh?"

"Why change now," My father laughs before we head off into the direction of the city, the horses gallop through the desert, it can't have been that long until Salim announces that we are almost there, I frown once I see a sand storm ahead.

"Through the sand storm?" I ask with a confused look, he turns to look at me before telling us that we need to trust him, I nod my head, he is our last hope now if we are to stop Marlowe. We all most through the storm, I press my head into Nate's back having a bad feeling about this and I was right as we were quickly separated from the group so, leaving me, Nate and my father by ourselves in a storm.

I could hear Salim calling for Nate but there was no way we were going to be able to find them in this storm. "Where's Salim?" My father wonders as he looks around a little before Nate announces what must have happened. Suddenly the horses stop and refused to move so we had no choice than to let them go, they'll probably be able to find their way out at some point.

"They must know something we don't," The horses quickly leave and headed back in the direction we may have come from. Looks like we're going on foot to get out of this storm but as we run through the storm we managed to land ourselves in a convoy and I knew exactly what was going to happen so I quickly pull out my gun and got ready to start firing.

After a long and difficult fight, we finally made it into the lost city. I stand between my father as the large door slowly opens revealing the city we have been searching for I couldn't believe it, it reminds a bit of Shambala by the beauty and secrecy of the place, once Nate manages to find a way down from the platform we finally entered the city.

"It's true, it's really here," Nate whispers as we all walk down the stairway towards the city, I look around to see statues beside the stairs, reminding me of guards, but these guard statues are complete silver and gold tones wouldn't surprise me if it was created from those materials.

"Wow, this is just amazing. I can't believe it's actually real," I blurted as I slowly try and took in each small detail, this is definitely the place to take pictures but sadly everything was taken off of me when were caught so, I probably lost the camera for good but I know I would never forget this site, ever. As we walked further down the stairway, the jump once the guards start swinging there spears in a pattern but not in a bad way I gathered. "Victor Sullivan, Violet Sullivan, welcome to Ubar," Nate welcomes us as gesture us to the city, I just laugh still in complete disbelief that we are actually here in the lost city.

We reach a small shelter, which is covered with overgrown plants and a still working fountain, it's amazing it still worked after so long. "Incredibly," My father admired as we all took small steps towards the fountain.

"This is how the city could thrive all the way out here," Nate declared as he leans against the fountain, I cross my arms, slightly shaking my head completely amazed with everything. "The whole place must be fed by an underground spring," Nate tells us just before he reaches into the fountain with a hand full of water and taking a drink from it.

"It's clean... It's amazing it's still running after all these years," Nate carries on drinking, whilst my father uses the water to wash his face, I decide not to drink but to wash my hands from all the mud and blood from the previous fight but the water was definitely not what we expected.

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