Chapter 3

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After that incident with that boy, my father and I got back to Kate. We walked around the markets for a bit until evening slowly came, that was the time we needed to go into the museum to get Francis Drakes ring. 

I walk close to my father as we walk into the familiar room where the case is and of course that mysterious boy is there holding onto the thing we need, I look over my shoulder to see two of Kate's men in suits behind us.

"Damn it, kid," My father signs once he noticed the same boy from the market who stole his wallet. "Why, Victor - look who it is..." Kate says as we all walk towards the boy who doesn't look scared at all, "The filthy little stray that made off with your wallet,"

The boy tried to think fast and running was the only option but that didn't go well since more of Kate's men come through the other way, nowhere to go, he's now surrounded by us. "C'mon, son. You haven't got a chance. Just hand it over," My father tells him but he didn't, he just allow Kate to take one of the objects out of his hand, who handed it over to my father.

"Now - the ring," Kate says holding out her hand for the boy to give her the ring. The boy turns to look at me and my father, refusing to hand over the ring. This annoyed Kate so she grabs to boys wrist tightly, hearing the slap from the impact and holds his arm out.

The boy smirks and opens his hand, "What ring?" This caused Kate to laugh in a sinister way, slowly moving back so she's now standing next to me father, I gasp in shock as she slaps the boy across the face.


"Who do you think you are, boy?" Kate asks angrily, glaring at the boy, who looks at the floor holding onto his cheek, "You're nothing but a filthy, cast-off little beggar. You're not fit to touch these objects," 

"And you are?" I say to myself, thankfully no one heard apart from my father who give me the look to 'be quiet' I turn back to look at the boy to see him glaring at her, she stares at him for a moment before lifting her arm up again, this time to backhand him but was stopped by my father. 

"What the hell do you think you're doing? He's just a kid," My father glares at her, not believing she would do this, I turned to look the boy who is staring at me, "Run," I whisper to him and thankfully he does but of course Kate notices and ordered her men to stop.

I watch as the boy runs out of the room, leaving me, Kate and my father. Who the two started arguing before Kate walks away leaving us on our own. I stare in shock as my father pulls out two guns, holding one out to me.

"Don't worry, you may not even need to use it," My father tells me as he gets down to my height and smiles at me. "Go and hide outside, I'm going to go and help him," My father kisses my forehead and jogs to the way the boy went.

"Please by careful, I've already lost mom, I can't lose you as well," I say to him before I run out of the room, leaving the museum. Waiting and hoping for the two of them to be all right. I sit quietly on a barrel which is near one of the markets which are now closed by the look of it.

Swinging my legs as I wait, staring at the gun which is being held in place by my two hands and my lap. Suddenly the doors of the museum open up, I quickly aim the gun at the door, arms shakily slightly.

"Dad!" I shout with excitement, I throw the gun to the floor and run towards him, he kneels down just in time as I wrap my arms around his neck, leaning my head on his shoulder as I hug the life out of him.

"I'm so glad your all right. I was really scared," I tell him as a tear rolls down my face, my father moves me away and wipes my tear away, and says the same thing. "Come on, let's go and get you two some food," My father says as he gets up and walks ahead. 

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