Chapter 21

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It felt like days, dehydration is quickly getting to Nate. Nate slowly carries on walking through the horrible desert. Nate and Elena managed to get through the airport without many problems and also got him on the plane and now he's here walking through the desert after the plane was taken down but Nate managed to hold onto one of the cargo with a parachute connected and get down with being killed but there wasn't any way of the plane moving any time soon.

Everything looked the same, it was just sand everywhere, nothing new and having no water wasting helping his physical and mental state. He did find a well but the only thing in the bag was sand, the heat problem dried up any existing water.

A few days went by and Nate finally found something, Nate laughs. "It's a village," He moved faster towards it, hoping for some kind of help. It took him some time to get there, Nate signs as he leans down, hands on his knees. "Ah shit. It's a ghost town," He whispers to himself but kept on going, what has he got to lose.

Nate moves down the large bank of sand but slips and starts tumbling down, I groan as he slowly stands back up, heading towards the wooden gate, that is still intact and stopping people from entering. "If I could just find some water... some water would be good," Nate whispers to himself as he moves towards the gate, signing as he realises he wasn't able to get through and luckily for him it didn't take long to find a way in.

He climbs onto the roof of one of the building, but the old, decaying roof couldn't handle his weight, crumbling underneath causing him to fall to the concrete floor below, Nate cough from all the dust and the impact but it didn't stop him from getting up and carrying his way through the abandoned village.

Nate signs in relief once he finds his way through the well, he climbed in not only there is a way out but there is a small amount of water left, "Ah shit, it's undrinkable," Nate huffs but washed his face instead and climbed his way through the well and carried on his journey through the village.

"Oh, shit!" Nate looks up to see a load of men standing around, he quickly moves towards cover, "Okay, need a gun," Nate tells himself, he notices a man with a shotgun coming towards him, even though it is in the fire line of some, he had to take that chance. Nate grabs the man, punching him a few times in the abdomen, grabbing the shotgun and hitting him with the stock, now there is a chance he could make it out alive.

Nate manages to make it through the village, killing men in his way but he knew he couldn't keep going until some men on horses turned up. "English?" The man questions as Nate starts moving from behind cover. "What? English. I speak English," Nate quickly announces as he stands up revealing his gun, the man who questioned him quickly lifts his own gun, aiming it at Nate.

"No, no, no, no. Don't shoot me," Nate puts his gun away and puts his hands up surrendering. "Please, don't shoot me," Nate pleased, suddenly more gunshots erupt and the man before Nate starts shouting in Arabic, one of the men on a horse moves towards Nate pulling him up and starts to ride through the village.

"Sniper! Dead ahead!" Somebody shouts but the man in front of Nate is quickly shot dead and it caused the horse to gallop a different direction, away from the others. Nate stopped the horse and allowed the man to fall off realising he was killed, he quickly moved into the saddle and kicked the horse to get him moving through the village and to avoid gunfire. In seconds he rejoined the remaining three men, Nate fired his own gun to kill some of the men in the way as he guided the horse through the village and towards the exit.

It was dark when they stopped riding, obviously arriving at where they needed to be. Nate sat in front of the warm fire as he takes a drink that he's been desperately needing. "You are far from home, American," The man the saved him announces which caused Nate to lift up his head, the man offers him so more water before telling him. "You do not belong here... Any of you,"

"You spared me. Why not just kill me along with the others?" Nate asks as the man simply say about it being impolite. "You were in distress. Even an enemy must be fed and sheltered... Are you my enemy, American?"

Nate smiles before he finally tells his name, his last name even. The two shake hands before the man finally announces his name. "Salim. I am sheikh of this tribe," 

"Well, I don't mean to be forward, Salim... but I need a horse, I don't have anything to offer in return-" Nate starts to explain, only for Salim to cut him off and question. "You plan to attack the English caravan alone?"

Nate leans back slightly, surprised that he knew about them and he did question it. "My scouts have been tracking them for two days. Why are you here?" Salim leans down and pokes the fire with a stick to keep it lit. 

"They are looking for the lost city of Ubar,"

"Iram of the Pillars..."

Nate nods, "They've taken my friend and... my w-wife hostage, he's the only one who knows the way and they took her to probably to make sure he does what they ask. Once they find Iram, they'll be worthless to them. They'll kill them,"

Salim looks up from the fire and quick answers, there was a silence between them for a few seconds until Salim tells Nate the story of the lost city. "We don't have much time, do we?" Nate asks once the story was finished and with that he and some of the tribe were going to stop the English at Dawn.

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