Chapter 4

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"And... they're gone. All right, lads? and lady?"

I open my eyes and chuckled, I couldn't believe they fell for it. My tap taps my shoulder with the back of his hand whilst I nudged Nate, "Oh, God," My father groans, getting into a sitting position. "Thought you were gonna put a silencer on that thing,"

"Sully, you've got on sense of drama," Cutter smirks as he goes to help my father up before grabbing my arm and pulling me up, I quickly thank him before clicking the bones in my neck, helping the stiffness go.

"All that racket is gonna bring the cops any minute. Let's get the hell outta here," My father announces as he helps Nate up. "You coulda pulled a couple of those punches, Charlie," Nate tells Cutter, making me shake my head, it was his idea for him to fight us.

"What d'ya mean? I hardly touched ya," Cutter said, whilst Nate starts complaining about him headbutting him, "It worked didn't it? Made it pretty realistic," I smirk at Nate who rolled his eyes at the response, I chuckle as I feel Cutter tap my back, obviously agreeing with me.

"All right, Bright Eyes, look sharp," Cutter tells the person with the other walkie-talkie. "they're coming your way. Don't lose them,"

"Told you they'd take the bait," Nate tells us, holding out the real ring showing us, "I still surprised it actually worked, Marlowe should have known something would be wrong but how long do you think until they notice?" I ask as we all start walking down the alleyway, getting away before the police turn up.

"Who cares? We finally flushed 'em out," Nate replies, placing his arm around my shoulder. Pulling me along but making sure to keep me to his side. "Now we just follow 'em back to their hole," My father says which caused me and Nate to stare at each other.

"You do realise you make everything sound dirty," Nate tells my father, who looked at us in confusion, "I do?"

"Sadly," I say, just as sirens came into hearing range. "Come on, let's go," I tell them and started jogging, making sure to turn right since red and blue flashes could be seen ahead, stopping us from getting out that way.

"This way," My father gestures us to follow, as he squeezes his way through the gap between the wall, I look up at Nate, only to see him with his hands out, telling me to go first. I shrug and start moving through the gap which wasn't that bad since I am pretty petite so I'm the perfect size to get through.

"Come on," I hear Nate order Cutter, "Come on Charlie. What's the hold up?" Nate asks as we all turn to see Cutter still standing on the other side, with a nervous look on his face, I cross my arms as I watch him squeeze through, slightly shaking, I giggle as I hear him repeat the same thing, over and over again, trying so hard to reassure himself. 'It will all be over soon,'

"Oh, that wasn't too bad..." Cutter announces once he gets through, "What the hell is wrong with you?" Nate asks I nod in agreement, of all the things to be scared of, he is scared of small places, I never knew Charlie had claustrophobia.

Thankfully, Charlie didn't have any more small spaces to get through and it didn't take that long to escape the police and now we're at the destination where Marlowe should be, I walk next to my father as we all head over to where a white van is.

"You should be more careful with your head, y'know it's-" I hear Cutter starts to say to Nate only for him to be cut off by Nate pushing him but it didn't stop Nate from laughing. "Evening, you lot," 

I smile once I see Chloe jump out of the van, even though when we were at Shambhala, we really hated each other but once she helped me get back we actual was able to gain a friendship but not as much of a bond as I have with Elena, she is still definitely my closest friend, best friend in fact.

"All right, darling?" Cutter greeted, "Looks like Hell spit you three back out," Chloe says once she notices the red stains on our blouses, I chuckle, "I bet it does," I say with a smirk, placing my hands on my hips.

"You're unusually quiet," Chloe says to Nate who just stood there, "What's up your bum?" She asks, I bet she's waiting for one of his sarcastic comments but it didn't take that long for us to receive one.

"Oh, well, Charlie seemed to enjoy himself a little bit too much for my taste," Nate starts to say and I shake my head with a smirk, Charlie turns to me and shrugs with a smirk, "Here we go," We both say at the same time.

"My ears are still ringing," Nate complains. Which all of us to start complaining about him complaining. "Looks like I missed out on some fun," Chloe turns to Cutter, she definitely did and if she was there, she would properly love it, very weird.

"Yeah, you did actually. It was very, very, ah -cathartic," Cutter replies, looking at us at Nate, who laughed sarcastically. "You have any trouble?" My father asks. "Nah, easy-peasy," Chloe replies, shrugging her shoulders.

"And you're sure they didn't see you trailing 'em?" Nate asks and Chloe denies, I turn to look at Nate, "What?" He asks with a confused look. "I just realised that if it was you following them, we would have properly got caught already or possibly dead. I've never felt so happy to have Chloe here,"

Nate pushes me slightly causing me to laugh and hug him for a second as Cutter and Chloe talk about which door they had entered, which is the green one where a light shined onto it, making us seeing it ten times better.

"They drove in ages ago," Chloe announces as she walks to the back of the van, opening the doors, handing us some guns with silencers on. I quickly thank her ad observed the gun before putting it in my pocket.

"Think these are really necessary? I mean, it's not like they're expecting us," My father asks, holding his gun out, whilst Nate puts his away. "Don't underestimate these blokes - they're bit messing about," Cutter tells my father.

"Hey, we're just going to sneak in and we sneak out," Nate reassures Charlie, but he didn't seem convinced. I wouldn't blame him whenever Nate says that we do get into a gun fight, "Come on, let's get going," I say pushing Charlie and Nate forward, Nate turns to playfully glare at me.

"I have no idea what's got into you, " Nate says, walking beside me, whilst the other three walk ahead. "I haven't got a clue what you're talking about," I sarcastically say, I understand what he's getting act, I have no idea why I'm in such a good mood, I'm always very playful and sarcastic which I think it's a good thing, well... properly not for Nate.

"Why am I getting married to you?" I hear Nate say, I gasp and punched him lightly on the arm before I tell him, "Hey, it's your fault... you were the one who asked, not me."

"Yeah, that's all on me," Nate replies before grabbing my arm and making me move faster towards the door and to catch the others up who are already almost to the door.

"You think they're still in there?" I hear Nate ask as we get closer to the door, "Well... we're not gonna just barge in the front door and find out," Cutter replies as we now stand in front of the door.

"Well, we can't afford to waste time standing here," I hear my father says, I turn to look at Nate to see if he had any 'great' idea's, only to see he had disappeared. "You four stay here," 

I look up to see Nate climbing up and old pipe, I watch as he climbed up but when he gets near the curved part, the pipe separates, making him leap for the other part before the pipe could disconnect at the bottom, why does he also break things.

Hey, guys. I hope you enjoy this chapter and I wanted to announce that I am writing a new story, eve though the game is old, I've recently got it on my PS4 and started playing it, it's Heavy Rain. I've noticed there aren't a lot of stories that has an OC and I love the character Norman Jayden so I thought I'd write one.

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