Chapter 17

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I take a deep breath just as I take my first step onto the ground after being in a plane for a few hours, the call was made by my father and now we are here in Yemen, to meet up with someone I haven't seen in quite some time. We stay by the plane as a vehicle full of suitcases goes past and the person we were waiting for comes out once it moves past.

I smile once I see that person, "Elena," I whisper, she smiles back at us once she notices us. "Elena Fisher, Foreign Correspondent," My father greets her as he and Nate finally step foot from the plane, Elena chuckles as she quickly moves towards us, "Hey, Sully, Violet,"

"How ya doin', sweetheart?" My father questions as he moves him to hug her but she quickly turned him down before telling us that the opposite gender embracing is not liked her, I chuckle before I ask "What about us, if they can hold hands... " Elena smiles as she moves in to hug me, it's been a really long time since I've last seen this girl and I've got to say I missed her dearly.

"How are you, Elena?" Nate asks as he holds onto both of our bags in one hand, Elena nods and replies. "Good, thanks... So, my better judgement," Elena holds out three white cards and hands them to all three of us, I hold mine out and take a look at it before placing it safely in my back pocket. "These permits will get you through most checkpoints. Oh and I shouldn't be worried about what's in those bags, right?!

The man quickly deny it before Nate makes a slight joke by holding my father's hand, I couldn't help but lightly chuckle and shake my head, I sometimes wonder how I can stick with these two at least now I'm not the only one. "All right, remember - you're journalists now, so try and act respectable,"

"You won't have to worry about me but these two, I'm not so sure about," I say as I clip the care Elena gave me to my trousers, so people can see who I am and prove that I am a 'journalist', Elena quickly moves to open the doors which lead us to exit of the airport.

"So, what exactly are you three reprobates up to?" Elena questions as we follow her through the exit.

"Just a little historical research,"

"Right. That explains the big rush," Elena turns to look at Nate over her shoulder, raising an eyebrow as Nate agrees with what she commented. "No cursed treasures?"


"No Diabolical Warlords?"

"No," Nate shrugs as he moves ahead of her and I can tell she picked up on her lies, Nate isn't very good at lying and she quickly comments on it, telling him how much of a bad liar he actually is. "Oh, come on. We're not going to start this are we?"

"Okay, children, no need for arguing," I quickly cut them off as it's really isn't the right time for it. "The car, where is it?" My father asks and Elena gestures to where to car sat, Elena, turns to look at me as my father takes the bags from Nate and I gesture her to go on to the car.

I sign and just stare at Nate for a few seconds, which caused Nate to look at me and shrug his shoulders, "What?" He asks with his hands out, I glare at him giving the really look, with my hand on my hips. "Why are we still doing this?"

Nate just stares at me with a confused look on his face, I roll my eyes as I quickly explain, "W-why are you so obsessed with this, you've already proved so much... why keep going," I cross my arms as I lick my lips, quickly feeling them dry up due to the hot weather, thank god I wore a light tank top.

"You know why Vi, if you're worried about me-"

"Of course I am but not just you but him as well, you know he would go to the end of the earth for you and you know that I would too, I don't really care about me but please, don't ask him too. I've already lost my mother, I really don't need to lose him too," My eyes fill up with tears at the thought of losing him, I've already grieved for one parent and I can't do that for another. I quickly wipe the fallen tear before I move towards the car where Elena and my father sat waiting patiently, I ignore Nate's calls and questions about what I said but I just couldn't answer him, I just climb into the back of the car, using my arms to lean on my knees.

I feel the car move knowing that Nate had climbed in, I feel a strand of hair move from the side of my face and behind my ear, I use my eyes to look up making no effort to move my head. I look up to Nate and give him a fake smile which quickly disappeared.

"If you can just drop us at the edge of the city, that would be great," My father pulls out his cigar with a smile but Elena just shook her head no, of course, she isn't going to let us out of her sight, I can't exactly blame her either. "I'm not taking my eyes off you," I hear Elena finish just before the car engine raw and we started moving forward and towards where ever Elena was taking us too.

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