Chapter 12

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"Okay, we gotta find a way outta here," I hear Nate shout from below us as I jump through the hole, entering back into the building which I really didn't want to do but we are a lot safer in this part. Since you can still light from the sun.

I watch anxiously as Nate jumps across on the chandler, looking for another way for me and my father to get across. I gasped as the chandler and the ceiling above almost fall from Nate's weight.

"Nate, come on. Get across!" I call, as worry starts filling my body. I smile as I ran my hands through my hair, happy that Nate didn't fall to his death but of course that wasn't the end for him destroying everything.

Because once again he almost takes down the ceiling with his weight. I jump back, as the part where Nate wasn't hanging from falls but gives me and my father away over. "Hey, that'll work," My father announces jumping onto the floor that original was above us and standing carefully walking up it.

"Yeah, just like I planned," Nate replies which causes me to chuckle, "Plan? When do you plan things?" I ask which only makes me laugh louder at the glare Nate sends my way. We entering the room above, only for Nate to be quiet.

I stop walking and listen carefully, Nate jumps down as I hear someone ordering for them to empty the cans and to me, it sounds like Talbot. I move away from the edge as I see two dark figures walk past, thankfully they didn't see either me or Nate.

"Burn the whole place down,"

Oh, no. They are about to burn this place down, "Vi, Sully, we gotta get out of here," I hear Nate quietly call up to us, I jump from the floor I was originally on and next to Nate as the two of Talbot's men starts firing at us.

I quickly jump and hid behind something and start firing at the two, I notice something on their floor, on their side. A can, I quickly remove my aim from the men and started firing at the can, a bullet enters the can and causes an explosion.

Causing the two to fall from the floor and to the one below them. "Come on, they probably heard up," I announce, Nate nods agreeing and walks towards where I saw the black figures walk past and starts carefully moving his way across the ledge.

As I'm about to follow, the part below of Nate is set on fire and whilst he was hanging there, more of Talbot's men turns up. "Take 'em out!" I hear Nate call. My father and I start firing at them, allowing Nate some time to move from their aim before he starts firing.

"All right, we got 'em. Go!" My father orders as Nate carries on trying to get to the other side. Suddenly I hear an explosion, having no idea where that has come from and all we could do is wait until Nate gets us over there.

Suddenly I see Nate standing by a beam, my father calls over to him to get the beam down. I keep my gun out as Nate starts pulling the beam away from the ceiling, only for it to crash open the door causing the fire to spread quickly.

"Come on, Vi," I hear my father call, I look over to see that he's got over alright. I carefully start moving across. I cover my head as bullets start firing at me, I look over my shoulder to see that some men had come through the destroyed door.

The beam starts breaking beneath me, I cringe as a bullet skims the only just healing wound from the underground. Blood spreading through the clothing, I just ignore it as I finally make my way off the beam just as the break breaks in half and collapse.

Nate quickly grabs my arm as he starts running with my father in front, I look up through a hole in the ceiling. Where there were some of Talbots men there was a ladder, I quickly pointed my gun and fired at one of the men.

"I'll give you a boost," My father says to Nate. As my father starts lifting Nate to the ledge, an explosion caused us to fall as fire starts covering the ladder. "There's gotta be a way outta here!" I hear Nate shout.

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