Chapter 19

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"Finally," I sign once we finally found what we were looking for, Nate moves towards it, torch in his hand so he could light the part that would activate it, it reminded me of the globe by the way it was structured but it was complete metal. Nate lights the bottom of the machine and it quickly starts moving, each individual part moving in opposite ways and it kept going for a few seconds until it stops and light seeps through a few holes and hits the ceiling.

I gasp, it looks like the night sky full of stars and it's beautiful... I've never seen anything like this. "Well, I'll be going to hell..." We all carried on staring at the ceiling, we just couldn't look away.

"'As above, so below'" Nate quotes the previous words he remembered before he tells us exactly what it is, a celestial map. "I-I can definitely see it now," I gasp before I move to cross my arms, without even moving my eyes.

"The Arabs used the stars to navigate the desert - just like sailors on the ocean," My father informs us, I nodded agreeing. I remember my father telling me something down those lines when I was young. "Yeah, I remember you telling me about how the sailors navigated on the oceans but... I didn't think about them using the stars to help in the desert," I reply, finally being able to actually look him in the eye.

"So, you could use these constellations to find the site of the lost city?" Nate questions, pointing towards the ceiling before my father shrugs, "If I had a sextant, sure. I didn't do all the time in the Navy for nothing, y'know,"

I chuckle, I completely forget that he was once in the Navy. "See always a bonus bringing you with us," I nudge his shoulder which caused him to roll his eyes.

"Hey, you think you could remember this?"

"Well, yeah - but we oughta copy it down, don'tcha think?" My father questions Nate which he quickly denies, it would definitely take quite some time to sketch all this down, suddenly Elena calls us all over, we all turn to where she was standing behind us, I almost cringe at the site. The wall there were faces carved into the wall and it seems like they are screaming from something.

"Well, that's uh... cheery," Nate comments and moved towards the other wall which has the exact same faces, "That's creepy," I whisper to myself just as Elena hears something, a noise familiar with us all apart from Elena. "Wait - what is that?" She questions as Nate pulls her away from the walls.

"Hold onto that torch, kid," I quickly grab a hold of my shotgun, aiming it at the wall. Waiting for any of these horrible creatures to enter and within no time, those horrid spiders spill from the eyes and the mouth of the carved wall faces. We all turn to see that they are running through the arch, the way we could get out. As they all spill into the room out of every direction, we had no choice but to start firing, we all tried to stay as close to Nate, but it didn't really help as these spiders seemed to not mind the light as much of the last time, thank goodness we had the gun.

I fire a few rounds at the crowd of spiders, killing only a few with each shell. "Stay close behind me!" I hear Nate shout as he tried to use the flames in a sweep motion hoping it would get the spiders away and it did work but they came back just as quick. We carried on firing round whilst Nate took the lead to get us out of this place. I sign in relief once we get into the light of a corridor, we all run towards the door and used all our strength to lift the door knowing that the light would give us some time to escape but not that much time.

Sadly, to the door wouldn't budge, suddenly Elena crawled her way through underneath and got through to see if there was any way to open the door from the other side. Somehow all the torches went out, allowing the spiders chance to come through, I quickly grab the shotgun and start firing at the spiders, trying to keep that at a good distance until Elena finds a way to get the door open.

"I think I found it," Elena shouts from the other side, I groan once I realised I'm out of ammo, I turn to my father, I knew exactly what I needed and handed me a few more shells, definitely enough until Elena opens the door. I sign in relief as the door finally opens separating us from those horrible insects, we all move back and watch the door close on the spiders.

We all take a few deep breaths, I reach up to move a strand of hair from my face as my father announces that he had enough of them and I couldn't agree with him more, I really don't want to see those things again. "Wait - you knew about them?" Elena asks with a confused look on her face before it turns into an annoyed look. "You were planning on telling me, right?"

I shrug and place the shotgun on the floor as Nate calls us over to look at something. I turn and see writing on each carved image, a lot of dark words and I'm not going to lie, it's quite scary. "' Let not the world deceive thee with its beauty,'" Nate reads from the first carved wall.

"'It is the dream of a dreamer, a mirage of the desert,'"

"'The cup of death will be filled for thee.' Lovely... It's all in English," My father turns to Nate and he quickly replies that Drake must have written these, but why? I don't even understand what it even means. "Okay, so, let me get this straight­-" Elena starts as she moves towards us. "Drake sails thousands of miles looking for this 'Atlantis of the Sands', and when he gets this far... what he finds here is enough to make him turn around, sail home, and hide all evidence of his voyage."

"Right..." Nate agrees I can understand where she's going, it is quite suspicious. "But you-you're going to keep going, aren't you?" Nate scoffs and simply agrees, with a small smile on his face.

Elena chuckles in disbelief, "For what? For 'treasure'? Sully, he listens to you... Please make him stop,"

"Yes, Sully, please, tackle me," Which caused both men to laugh, I didn't... I couldn't. "What is wrong with you two?" She asks, obviously leaving me out of it, she must be able to see that I can understand what she's getting at. Elena turns to leave as Nate tries to reassure her.

"Listen – you've won, okay? You've outsmarted her. You know where to find the city, and Marlowe doesn't. Why can't that be enough?" She asks before turning and walking away, I look between both men before I start moving forward, not without picking up the shotgun. I quickly start following Elena out of this place but of course, that doesn't happen, once we get to the first puzzle, we get ambushed by Talbot's men and it took us quite some time to take out all of the men before we were able to leave.

I drop my gun back down so we wouldn't cause any suspicion as we leave the building. "Okay, I think we're clear. C'mon." My father gestures us to follow him out. Elena quickly takes the lead and took us to steps. We start walking up but stop once we hear Nate groan in pain.

"Nate?" I ask as I see him pull something out of his neck, he quickly turns towards us telling us to run, I look at him in confusion. I sign once I realise what happened, he got shot with the dart that they used on Charlie.

"Nate? It's okay," I try to reassure him as moves away from us in almost a panic. My father picks up the dark as Elena questions what was wrong with him. "T-they shot him... with a d-drug," I stutter as I keep my eyes on Nate, now completely worried for his wellbeing, praying that he doesn't get hurt.

"Come on. We gotta get him out of here," My father tells us as he moves towards him, but he quickly pushes him back, exactly how Charlie did to Nate. "We just, we just want to help," Elena lifts her hand, showing that she wasn't a threat but he just shouts for us to get away before taking a swing for Elena, luckily I managed to pull her back before he could have hurt her, I call after him once I notice him running away from us. I tried to go after him, but I was pulled back, I could only imagine what's going to happen to him.

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