Chapter 7

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"Nice one," Charlie compliments as all the guys walk towards me and look up to the 'Golden Hind' right above us. "So... since you found it, you going to climb up?" I hear Nate asks, I turn and gave him a weird look, basically telling him 'no'.

"Fine... I'll go up," Nate announced, groaning slightly before he starts to look between the two pillars to get up. I watch as he climbs his way over to the Hind, climbing on the top of it, just as the doors opposite us, flies open.

I gasp and run behind the Pillar as Marlowe's men start firing at us. "Nate! Get down!" I shout as I start firing at the two men who were mostly firing bullets at Nate. After the two men dropped to the floor, the golden hind snapped off its panel sending the hind and Nate to the floor with a loud thud.

The hind shatters once it hits the floor right between legs as we all fire at the men who are running through the doors. A small, old piece of paper lays on the floor, I watch, hoping Nate would get out of the way but I knew he wouldn't move until he got that paper.

I sign in relief as Nate runs and hides behind the pillar on the other side of me, thankfully not many men had come in and were only two once Nate hid so it had improved however I know it's not going to stay like that for long.

Whilst me, father and Charlie were shooting at the men, I look over to see Nate looking at the folded piece of paper, why does he does he do this in these kinds of moments? It's definitely not the right moment.

"Hey, Nate!" I call, snapping him out of his thoughts, "Stop looking at that and help us!" I snap and aim my gun and start firing at one of the men in black suits. Shooting him multiple times in the chest, crying out in pain as he falls to the ground.

"Grab the journal and the cipher disk!" Nate orders, I'm about to move to go and fetch the two, only to see my father reaching over the desk, grabbing the two objects. I quickly move out of position and following after Nate and Charlie running towards the now open doors.

I feel a hand on my shoulder, I look over to my father. He lightly pushes me forward as he runs past, "Come on!" He orders, as he follows to two men. I quickly start chasing after them. I stop notice that we're in the London underground which is now full of Marlowe's men.

I feel a sudden pain to my gun, I quietly cry and clench my leg, only to see a small hole in my trouser legs, moving my hand to see some blood, dripping off my hand. Looks like I was skinned by a leg.

I gasp as I'm basically tackled to the floor by Charlie, I quickly thank him before grabbing my gun and firing rounds at the men, it definitely got a lot more difficult. One because there are more men and only four of us and two. They have different guns and smoke hiding them from sight.

I stay hidden with Charlie as I lift my gun, keeping my head down and just start firing not carrying which of Marlowe's men I kill, just praying that my father or Nate hasn't gone past and managed to get in front of my 'aim'.

As time went by, we thankfully moved forward and are now almost out but more men seem to be coming, some with pistols, KAL 7's and other weapons. I carrying on firing bullets at a close guy until all my bullets run out and could only hear a click announcing the emptiness.

I look up to see the man smirking and start firing at me, I quickly move avoiding the bullet, flying my way, jumping over the large block, he was hiding behind. I quickly threw my fist into his face, stunning before grabbing his neck sending his face straight into the hard edge, killing him instantly.

"Vi! Let's Go!" I hear Nate shout, I leave the man, not without grabbing someone's pistol and running after the three up the stairs. Following the staircase until I met them near a now unlocked gate.

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