Chapter 9

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"Nice to see you turned up," My father says, smoking his cigar as I shake my head with a smirk as I turn off my camera and place it back in its original place and just in time as Nate fell to the floor below, I stand beside my father as he calls out to Nate, telling him about the window which is chained shut.

"All right, back up. I'll shoot the lock off," Nate orders, I pull my father away from the window as Nate jogs closer to the window, pulling out his pistol and fired a bullet towards the lock, breaking it from the chain and allowed us to open the window.

My father gestures me to go in first, I nod and jump onto the window and carefully jumping down since where the jump is full of destroyed and decay wood and I didn't want to fall only to potentially hurt myself.

"You both good?" Nate asks, placing a hand on my shoulder, "Yeah... Fab," I reply and walk away from Nate so I could take a look around, sadly there isn't much left, but you can definitely see how old this place is, the chandelier is now laying on the floor, which is covered with moss, nature is slowly taking over this place.

"Okay. We gotta make our way through the chateau to the gardens. That's where we'll find the old keep," Nate tells us as I walk towards the double doors, I sign once I notice the large, wooden beam in the middle.

"Unless we can move this beam, there's... no way through," I announce as I cross my arms, staring at the door as my father walks past to try and open it. "Yeah, we gotta get some leverage," Nate explains and starts walking away. 

"Think you can get up there?" My father questions as he finally stops pushing on the door to look above to see if there is any way to get up there from here but there's none. "The question is... how? how can you get up there?" I question Nate who turns and shrugs his shoulders as a response, I roll my eyes at the lack of communication before strolling from the beam to see any way up.

Suddenly I hear my father shout for assistance, "Ready?" I question the two men as we all take a hold on, a wooden object which looks like a wardrobe but it does give us some help in getting out of here.

It's the right height, for Nate to jump on and get to the stairs which are connected to the destroyed floor above. "Oughta do it," My father smiles and moves away to allow Nate to get up. I quickly grab onto Nate's wrist.

"Be careful okay? I really don't need you falling to your death," I lightly tap his shoulder and walk back to the double doors as I hear Nate reply, "A fall won't kill me off," 

I lean against the wall as I watch Nate above, jumping onto the only chandelier that is still connected to the roof and I cringe as it starts to swing, I couldn't help but feel nervous, especially when Nate has the habit of breaking things in dangerous times. 

I take a deep breath once Nate jumped off the chandelier and pulled himself up so he's now on the same side as us. "I have an idea," Nate announces as he looks at the chandelier on the floor and the mechanism on the wall, suddenly the chandelier lifted off the floor as Nate turns the handle.

"That's cool," My father laughs as we watch the chandelier lift before Nate agree before jumping back on the chandelier, "Nate, it's coming out of the ceiling... be careful!" I shout up to him, with a voice covered in concern and worry.

Nate didn't bother to reply, he just concentrated on getting himself over to the beam and it didn't take him long for him to be above him getting ready to push the beam. "All right, here we go," 

My father and I hold onto the bottom and start pushing the beam away from the door, Nate and I kept a hold of the beam as my father goes to the door and starts opening it, "Got it," My father tells us.

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