Chapter 23

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Nate, Violet and Sully stroll away from the fountain heading towards one of the open arches in the wall, to see the eclipse is happening, none of the men had realised the Violet had moved be hide her father a smirk on her face as she did so.

"That is one hell of a thing -" Sully was cut off by a loud gunshot, Nate looks at him completely worried which caused his breathing to increase, quickly grabbing the man and placing him on the ground. Nate looks up in complete shock to see Violet lowering her gun, he almost gasps in shock, also confused on why she had done this.

Violet slowly researches behind her neck pulling something out before chucking it near Nate's feet, he looks down to see what it was, he gulped once he sees it's the drug, a smirk spread across her face before she finally looked back at Nate, "This definitely the place I would want to die in but I didn't want to it alone,"

"Violet..." Nate slowly calls as Violet lifts up her gun up to her own head, suddenly there was another gunshot, Nate almost screams her name as she collapses to the floor, her gun falling beside her. Revealing two familiar figures that were standing, Marlowe and Talbot. Nate watches as the two walked away, leaving Nate standing between the two people he loved dearly, both of them dead in the lost city.

He just couldn't believe it, another noise catches his attention, something large starts coming out of the floor, almost like some kind of elevator and the two people are walking in, Nate glares as he watches them, it was there fault that Sully and Violet are dead, if they didn't drug her none of this wouldn't have happened.

Nate knew what he had to do, he quickly runs towards them jumping off the edge, completely ready for a fight, as Nate gets to the two, the doors close separating Nate from them, he groans before he turns to run into cover as people start shouting at him.

Nate aims his gun and starts firing at one of the men, the man suddenly burst into flames which completely caught him off guard. "Jesus, what the hell was that?" Nate sneered as the man who now as a head of fire suddenly disappears and quickly appeared closer to him, he didn't understand what was going but he did quickly realise that these guys were more dangerous than their previous form but he had to keep doing and to stop Marlowe and Talbot, he knew that was what Violet and Sully would have wanted.

Nate holds onto his gun, moving past all the dead body and headed into the elevator hoping it would take him to where Marlowe and Talbot were hiding. He was right in one case once the doors open revealing Talbot standing there with the grin on his face, he suddenly throws some kind of thank towards Nate, Talbot quickly disappearing as the smoke starts coming out of the small tank.

Catching Nate off guard but not that much to stop him from catching up to him, "You come back here you son of a bitch!" Nate shouts as he chases Talbot through some of the buildings in the city. As Nate enters a dead end, a pink light suddenly hits, he flinches and slowly turns around revealing that he is somewhere else, the place where he had first seen Violet and Sully.

"Where did he go?" Nate asks himself as he starts walking through the once remembered city. "I haven't been here since I was a kid," He says to himself just as another familiar noise hits him, he looks over his shoulder to see those spiders coming out of the building which caused him to start running, which he didn't realise was the same route he took as a child, when he was following Violet and Sully and also escaping those men.

He was back in that situation where Sully had saved him, young Nate gasps as he throws one of the men off the roof, he stops and turns, shock on his face. He quickly reaches the gun, aiming it at the man coming towards him with his gun aimed at him as well.

"No, no, no, ... no!" Nate chants as Sully slowly walks towards him, Nate falls onto the ground refusing to move his aim, that didn't stop Sully from walking towards him, Nate takes a few deep breaths before he finally started shooting, missing a few times before finally shooting the man in chest and everything kept getting weird and weirder until he reaches a certain point in the city.

After a long fight with his mind and some men who this time didn't burst into flames, he made it as one of the towers connecting the bridge where he had just walked through, Nate slowly moves in, being as cautious as he could with his gun ready to shoot.

Nate jumps once he hears a voice, "That you, kid...?" Nate stares at the right side as a man walks around, Sully? Nate was completely in shock, he just saw him die, he looked even more confused once Violet came around the corner after her father, a wide smile on her face as she signs in relief once she sees him.

"Nate? Thank god, you're alright," Violet smiles as she moves towards him, a frown comes to her face once Nate lifts his gun aiming between Sully and her and it caused them to stop in their tracks completely confused one what he is doing.

"What's the matter with you?" 

"How do I know you're real?" Nate asks still keeping his gun up, Violet and Sully look at each before Sully makes the first move, hands up as a surrender before using both hands to grab the gun from his grasp, suddenly Sully flicks Nate in the forehead causing him to groan from the sudden pain.

"That real enough for you?... Don't ever pint a gun at us again," Sully tells him as he gives Nate his gun back. Nate was still confused as he looks between the two, Violet moves towards him tapping his shoulder, "Don't worry, it was bound to happen at some point," She chuckles as Nate just stared.

"I... I saw you kill him... and then yourself... right after the eclipse," Nate explained which makes the other two quite confused. "What? What eclipse? Look, kid, you went nuts right after you drank from that fountain,"

"There's something in that water, that did this to the city. The water destroyed this place," Violet clarified, watching as Nate turns to sit down, realising what is happening exactly figuring out what Marlowe and Talbot are after.

"Oh, man, yeah... Remember Cutter said, they controlled their enemies through fear... Oh, this'd do it, in spades. But wait, it doesn't make any sense - how do they think they're getting the water out of here?" 

"No, it's not the water -" Nate quickly confirms realising it wasn't really the water. "It's what's in the water," Violet and Sully stare at each completely muddled in what he was talking about, what could be in the water causing it to destroy a city and making people turn completely mad.

"All right, listen, just bear with me for a second - Salim told me that Iram was cursed when Solomon imprisoned the evil spirits of the Djinn inside a vessel of brass, and then cast it into the depths of the city,"

"A genie in a bottle,"

"I know it's sound pretty crazy," Nate slumps down just as Violet agrees with him that it is crazy but it didn't surprise her any more. "So, you reckon that's why Elizabeth and Dee sent Francis Drake out here in the first place,"

"Sounds logical," Violet agrees as she takes a seat beside Nate, crossing her legs as she leaned back against the wall. She watches Nate as he once again explains that it wasn't treasure they were looking for but it was for power. "Only once Drake realised what he'd been sent for, he abandoned the mission. He lied to the Queen, told her he didn't find anything, and hide all traces of his voyage. Rewrote history,"

"Who are we to argue with Sir Francis? Whaddya say we head down there and end this thing," Sully grabs Nate's hand and pulls him up, getting ready to stop those two from taking whatever they are looking for.

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