Chapter 14

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"Up this way, come on," Nate calls to the group as he jogs up the steps towards the top of the tower. I sign once I reach the top, Nate and Charlie stood on the highest part, probably where they wanted to be.

I lean against the stone wall, looking out at the view. It was breathtaking, I pull out the camera that I took with me. Snapping a picture, I'll definitely need to put these in an album of some sort once we get home and if my camera actually survives.

"That thing still works?" I look over my shoulder, to see my father looking at me for a second before looking back at the way he was before, making sure no one could sneak up on us. I stroll towards him as I hold onto my camera.

"Surprisingly, after France. I thought it would have broke. Thank god it didn't, it holds so many memories," I reply, thinking of how many pictures that have been taken on it, memories with my father, Nate, Elena and even Chloe.

"Mother would have loved this," I suddenly comment, I turn to my father who nods his head, agreeing. I frown as I think, where she could be. Is she dead? Is she possibly alive? Sadly I don't know.

I've never known her, she disappeared when I was young, leaving me with my father. Only leaving me with something that once belonged to her, an old camera which is currently being cherished in my house, that Nate and I share.

"You're just like her, look like her and act like her. She loved camera's herself, just like you do. I do think your hobby is worse than hers," I chuckle at the last comment, I nudge him as he chuckles too.

I reach into my pocket and pull out my phone, pulling the case off revealing a small piece of paper, I flip it over revealing a young woman with long dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. The woman is a split imaging over herself.

I carry this photograph everywhere, ever since my mother had just disappeared from the face of the earth so suddenly, my father gifted me this picture. It is really the only memory I have of her which kills me every single day, not knowing really who she is.

"Can't believe she has been gone for over two decades, still baffles me to this day," I whisper as I just stare at the picture, every day I pray she would just turn up on my doorstep. Just so I know she is alive.

My father doesn't say a word but just copy my action by staring at the image also, I shake my head and sign before putting the small reminder back in the phone case. "Come we better actually keep a lookout,"

Tears had filled my eyes but I refuse to allow them to fall, I move away but I was stopped when my father grabbed my arm pulling me back into him, embracing me in a very well needed and comforting hug.

A tear finally manages to escape, we don't have many father and daughter moments like these but now that Marlowe is back, a 'friend' of my mother. It is needed. "Every god damn day, I hope she was still here, here for you mostly just know that I will always be there,"

I nod my head as I stay with my head leaning against his chest, "Now let's go find this treasure," My father announces, I chuckle as I wipe away the noticeable tear line down my cheek, my father likely taps my back before he leaves to finally take lookout.

"Look out," I run over next to Chloe to see people with rocket launchers, aiming straight at us, "shit," I whisper to myself as I follow the others who are running towards the other side of the wall.

I jump off the side, landing on the stone floor below and sprinted towards safety as a rocket had hit the side where we original stood. "Run for it!" Nate shouts from behind us, I cover my ears as the rocket collided with the wall over and over again.

"What the hell's wrong with these guys? They're destroying this place," I hear Nate question as more rocket cause the wall to crumble to the ground. "They're idiots, that's why!" I call just before Chloe announces about to zip line.

"Not while they're firing at us!" Charlie shouts as Talbot's men fire more rockets. I hide behind the steps which take us to the zip line. I take a breath as I fall to the ground from the sudden impact that was fired our way.

Another loud gunfire could be heard, I look to see the noise coming from Nate, who had managed to find a sniper and started to fire back at them and also killing them will make us get to the other side a lot easier and safe.

"Come on, we gotta move, now!" We all quickly run towards the zip line. I pull my gun out, getting ready to go down. I stand behind Chloe as my father goes first with us two following behind.

I place my pistol on the line and run off the edge, sparks shot off the gun as it slides down the line, taking us one by one towards the end. Once I jump off, I see Nate the other two about to come down their selves only for another rocket to connect with the cobble. Sending them down and breaking the zip line as well.

We didn't stop moving, just in case more rockets would hit us but thankfully it didn't take too long to get rid of them and find Nate and Charlie. I sign in relief once I see them below us. "You guys okay?" My father asks as we all lean over the edge.

I look around hopefully finding a way up for them but sadly that wasn't likely, we were just too fair up. "Yeah, we'll find a way around and meet up with you," Nate says before running off as some more men suddenly come out of nowhere.

I just hope they get out of there in one piece.

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