4: Distraction

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The talk with Hattori left Shinichi baffled.

How can he have that absurd idea of him being in love with that sarcastic girl? That's just plain stupid. Surely, he loves Ran... right?

But the young detective wanted to laugh ridiculously at his friend's idea. Such absurdity. There was no way that could be true, right? 

He admits that from that time she left, he was constantly disturbed. He was bothered by the fact that she was not here. But that's just normal because he treated her as his friend, right?

He stared at the red pill on his hand. This was what started everything that relates to her. And this was also his ticket back to his original life and it was this pill that connected him to her.

'I'll take this in a week.' he thought.

A week would be enough to bid farewell to the kids, and to make a valid excuse to Ran. He made a mental note to himself to call his mother and request her help in leaving. Truth be told, he was a bit sad for leaving... he did quite enjoy being Conan for a time. He had experienced new things, and met new acquaintances. He will definitely  miss being the shrunken detective once he get back. Yet despite that he could not suppress the grin that was spreading in his face.

Kudo Shinichi will be back.

He will be back to solving cases with his original identity. Oh,  how he missed that. The constant excuses in order to snoop on the crime scene would be no more. And he will get to solve mysteries with his own voice again,  not with a voice-changer nor a telephone. He smiled. He will be back to being the Great Detective of the East again.

Someone needs to have an ego check-up. You're flattering yourself too much,  Kudo-kun.

The voice in his head spoke up, and surprisingly, it was the voice of a certain strawberry-blonde. He turned around in surprise. He was half expecting to see the bored face of the scientist, yet to his dismay, she was not there. He let out a sigh of annoyance.

He noticed that these past few days,  he was somewhat experiencing a phantom-limb syndrome. Whenever he was solving crimes, he was expecting Haibara there to assist him, or he would speak and spout his opinions and ask for her opinion,  only to find out she was not there.  It was getting frustrating. He didn't know her presence had such an impact to him. He had always taken her presence for granted for he had always thought that she will not leave. He thought that she would not have any other place to go to.  Boy, was he so wrong.

Gods, I'm gonna go crazy thinking of her.

He needs to distract himself or he will truly go bonkers.

I should be thinking of Ran, and what will I do when I get back. Hattori's right. I will have my life back, no need to stress myself in thinking of her. I will have a lot of time to find her once I go back as Shinichi. For now, I will think of Ran alone.

He didn't know if he was convincing himself. He willed himself to think about his childhood friend, and his plan when he gets back. He will definitely receive a beating from Ran. Will he take her to dinner to make up for all his excuses? Or would he buy gifts for her? Gee, this was getting troublesome. What will he do? He really need to ask someone. Haibara would definitely be a good choice...since she was the only woman close to him besides Ran. He was on his way to the professor to ask her when he again realized she was gone.

He was doing it again. He always ends up thinking about her. Just what is wrong with him?

He definitely needs a distraction.


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