10: Change.

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He definitely knows something.

Although indirectly, his words and action said he knew the missing scientist. He closed his eyes and entered his mind palace. His mind flashbacked to his talk with the guy.

Are you in love with her?’

Nicholas’ voice seems to reverberate in his mind. 

Haven’t you realized it yet?’

‘It’s obvious but you fail to see it. Or maybe you don’t want to see it?’

What does he fail to realize?

His thoughts were once again interrupted by the school bell. He glanced around and noticed that the class has ended. Students are leaving the room already. He didn’t even notice the time.

How long was I deep in thought?

“Shinichi!” Ran approached him. “Let’s go?” She asked softly, a tinge of almost unnoticeable pink colored her cheeks. Inadvertently, he stared at her.

Ran…You’re the one that I like, right?

Of course. The other part of his mind answered, or was it his conscience?. Ran waited for you for too long. She deserves to be happy. She likes you.

“Shinichi? Is something wrong?” she asked. “You’re staring” she continued with a soft voice evident of embarrassment.

He was brought back to reality. “Uhh..r-right. No. Nothing’s wrong.” He stood up. “Let’s go?”

Ran nodded and they walked towards the exit.


They were walking quietly toward the detective agency when Ran decided to break the silence.



“Are you free this Saturday?”

“Yes. Why?”

“I was wondering if you would like to watch a movie?”

Shinichi stopped for a moment and stared at her. She was fidgeting her hands.

“Uhh…no, it’s just that there was this new popular movie! And the actress was my idol! A-and S-Sonoko seems busy so…”

You should go. This was just a small favor compared to the times she was sad and lonely waiting for you. You should make her happy.
Again, that voice in his mind spoke.


“Okay, I’ll go.”

“Really?” Ran’s face showed obvious happiness. “Then let’s meet at the clock tower near the station on Saturday!” She cried in mirth as she resumed her walking.

Shinichi smiled.

She’s happy. But why do I feel like I am not happy? He wondered. 

Something’s changed. And he has to find it.


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