7: Nicholas

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"Class, this is Kudo Shinichi, and he will be joining our class from now on", the teacher enthusiastically introduced him to his classmates.

He gave a quick smile to his classmates,  then scanned the room. They were all new faces,  except for Ran and Sonoko who were sitting at the back. He was glad there was someone who is familiar. He was still having a hard time adjusting to his original life.

He walked towards the back and took a seat.

The teacher then started class.


Days passed like a blur. It was ordinarily boring. Nothing particular happened,  and cases became rare since the defeat of the organization.
So it puzzled the young detective when he walked inside the class and found the people in there gathering in a circle. He was tempted to join but he stopped himself. He knew Sonoko and Ran will fill him in with what's going on.

Soon enough,  as expected, the crowd dispersed as Ran went to his side. She was beaming.

"Shinichi! Guess what?" She asked smiling.

"What?" he asked, showng interest.

"We have a new classmate! Miyama-san was passing by the faculty office when he overheard Atsumi-sensei talking about the new student."

"Oh? So where is that student now?"

Before Ran could even give him an answer,  the door opened to reveal their teacher.

"Good morning class!" She greeted,  and beamed us a smile. She was obviously in a good mood. "We have another new person today! Please come in!" She looked toward the door,  and gestured her hands to call whoever was outside.

The class was anticipating with bated breath.

A student with a blond hair entered graciously. He was tall, and fair...obviously of foreign origin. Shinichi squinted his eyes.

British? Half?  He deduced.

"Hi! I'm Nicholas Higashi." He introduced with a weird accent. He waved his hand,  and let out a smile. Some girls gawked at him, obviously smitten. "From London." He grinned as he scanned the room.

Did he just glare at me?  Shinichi didn't know if it was his eyes tricking him, but it seems like the foreigner's eyes darkened when it landed on him. But it faded so quickly he was not sure.

Does he know me?

"Higashi-kun's family moved here from London just last week. Please treat him well. And Kudo-kun?"

Shinichi was startled with the sudden call. "Yes ma'am?"

"Please accompany Higashi-kun around. You are by far the most fluent in english here. Okay?"

He sighed in defeat. "Certainly ma'am. "

The teacher smiled at him. "Then it's settled! Higashi-kun,  please take a seat behind Shinichi-kun."

The new student gave him a knowing look before proceeding to his assigned seat.


All throughout the class, Shinichi felt bothered by the new student. He can feel him staring at his back. 

What's with him?  He wondered.

As soon as the bell rang, he turned around to give the foreigner an annoyed look.

"Do I know you?" he asked straightforwardly.

Nicholas shrugged and showed him a smirk. "No,  but I know you."

He raised an eyebrow,  waiting for him to elaborate further.

"So you are the Shinichi Kudo,  the Sherlock Holmes of the 21st century. Not bad." He said, and Shinichi could not figure if his tone was sincere or just sarcastic.

"I heard a lot about you."

"And I hope those are all good?" he inquired.

"Hmpf. Not really." He let out a chuckle,  and gave him a quick glance. "I'm still more good looking than you. What did she saw in you anyway? " he mumbled.

"Excuse me,  what did you say? " Shinichi asked,  his curiousity growing larger every seconds passed. This guy is a definite weirdo. He gave him a look of bewilderment.

Nicholas laughed,  as if enjoying Shinichi's baffled expression.

"It's true. Hahaha! You're funny,  just like she said!"

What he said seemed to just increase Shinichi's confusion.

"Wait... what? Who is she?"

Nicholas was about to answer when his phone rang. He pulled it out from his pocket,  and his face lighted up when he saw the caller's name in the screen. He answered the call.

"Hello!" He answered happily,  though his eyes was still staring on the young detective. The detective,  on the other hand,  just stared at the guy. 

"Oh I'm good! Grand, even." He continued talking, while still looking at the detective. Shinichi could only furrowed his brow.

Nicholas laughed suddenly, earning the attention of the class. "Come on, Shi! I know how to behave!"

He was still laughing when he ended the call. He smirked at Shinichi.

"Sorry. You were saying?"

He raised a brow. "You said you knew me."

"Of course! Who wouldn't? "

"But you mentioned a she. Who is she?"

"Ohhh.. did I mention that?" He put on an innocent look,  and even put a thinking pose. "I don't remember!"

Shinichi squinted his eyes at him. He decided that he hate the guy. 

He's  hiding something.


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