5: Being Back

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Two weeks after she left, he took the antidote. Kudo Shinichi was officialy back. A lot happened after he told everyone that Conan was leaving. Ayumi cried a pool of tears, while Mitsuhiko just clenched his fist while seemingly wanted to cry. Genta almost threw him a punch. It was understandable to say the least. They were just recovering from Haibara's absence. He was a bit guilty for breaking their heart again.

They organized a farewell party for him the night before he was leaving. He can't help but smile as he remembered what happened at the party which was held at the professor's place.

"Conan-kun, promise me you'll never forget, ne?" Ayumi softly asked, tears threatening to fall from her glistening eyes.

"You'll always be a part of the Detective Boys!" Mitsuhiko chimed in. "Even Haibara-san."

He smiled as he mentioned her name. She also left an impact on the kids' lives. Albeit her being sarcastic all the time, she was a dear friend to the kids.
"Hey, Conan!" Genta called. "Isn't Haibara staying the same place abroad as you? You should visit her,  and take a picture together. Then send them to us! Or just call us!"

He suppressed a sigh. Right, the kids thought they live near each other abroad.

"Okay. I'll tell her that." He was starting to feel a pang on his chest as he lied.

"You will?" Ayumi beamed expectantly.

He was having a headache from the guilt.

"Yes." Well, he was planning to search for Haibara further so there will still be a chance to fulfill to them what he just said.



6:42 AM

Shinichi was still groggy from sleeping so late last night. He stayed up researching the possible places where Haibara might have been. There were several probable places actually,  but still he wasn't able to confirm it. For instance, did she leave the country? Does she not have any plan to contact them? Even contacting Hakase would be enough.

Wait. He didn't really ask Hakase if she called. He was like a father to her,  right?  So just maybe. But the professor will definitely tell him if she called. He decided he will drop by Hakase's house after school.

Oh right. He have to face the problem with school first.

Five years of being absent will definitely leave a mark. Ran and the others are now studying college. Well,  he was planning to take the advanced acceleration test, and he was sure he will pass. Heh, if she was here, she would definitely scoff at his smugness.

He smiled bitterly.

He was bemused again with his thoughts of her that he was startled by the sudden ringing of the door bell. He huffed in annoyance and went to the door.

"What--" He was about to about to give a trashing to that someone who's at the door but then abruptly stopped when the radiant face of his childhood friend greeted him.

"Shinichi!" Her voice is comparable to the sunshine. It was bright and lively.

He cannot help but smile awkwardly.
" Yo Ran. You're early."

Her face felt a bit warm, pink shades slowly surfacing in her cheeks.

"Oh.. nothing. I just thought I'd see you... you know, to confirm if you really are here now."

He gaped as feelings of guilt suddenly flooded his chest. He walked towards her.

"Listen Ran." He spoke softly that the young brunette silently stared at him. "I'm really here now...for good. Don't worry." He flashed her his usual grin.
"Really?" , she asked expectantly.

"Yeah. Really." He looked at her. "Now let me get ready. This will just be in a jiffy."

He turned around and went inside. She followed suit.

The talk with Hakase will wait.  He will have to set things about school first.


Shinichi left the examination room with a smile. The test was not that easy,  but with his brilliant mind, he was sure he will make it through.  Now he just have to wait for the result after three days,  then he will wave hello to college. 

Now,  what will he do with that three days of waiting? 


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