9: Wait...what?

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They walked for a while until they’ve reached the side of the library, where there are very few people. Shinichi faced him, his eyes laced with seriousness.

“Who’s Shi?”


“Shi! The person you’re talking with earlier!” He showed him a phone, on its screen was a message:

Nik. Don’t you dare tell Kudo-kun a thing.

“What is the meaning of this?!” Kudo demanded.

Nicholas’ seemingly friendly and playful aura seemed to disappear. “I should be the one asking you that, Kudo-kun. That is my phone. You are obviously using it without my consent.”

Shinichi was taken aback. But he quickly regained himself.

“You must have left it on your desk. It was ringing multiple times, so I figured it must be an emergency. I was about to take it and give it to you, when that message popped out. It was a coincidence.” He defended.

Nicholas took his phone, and looked at it. He was surprised at the number of calls he missed. He was about to type a message, when it started ringing again.

Shocked, he answered the call without a thought. He put his phone and nervously waited.

“Hello?” He softly asked. He knew she was angry.

“Why aren’t you answering my calls?” The voice on the phone was cold.

“Uh…Shi, I…I left my phone on my desk. I went out to eat.”

There was silence on the other line.


He heard a sigh.

“Sorry. I’m overthinking.”


“I’m just worried. You’re such a blabbermouth, is all.” She said nonchalantly.

“Hey! That’s rude!”

She chuckled. “Rude but nonetheless true.” There was a pause. “You met him?”


“I told you, he’s sharp. He might discover your connections with me. I…I’m just worried.”

Nicholas darted a glare at Shinichi. “Don’t be. It’s alright. I need to go now Shi, class will start in a minute.”

“Okay. Take care.”

“Hmmm…You too. Don’t let the house explode.” He joked.

“Yeah, yeah…as if.” She scoffed then hung up.

He gently shook his head as a small smile spread across his face.

Shinichi faked a cough. He looked at him.

“Who are you really?”

“I’m Nicholas. I told you all that a while ago.” He smirked.

“Why do you know me?”

“Oh, is this some kind of an interrogation?” He took a step back, and playfully put his hands behind his back, the smirk still etched in his face.

“Just answer me.”

“Everybody knows Kudo Shinichi here! Who wouldn’t?”

Shinichi's lips knowingly curled up, his cobalt blue eyes piercing. “But you just came here a week ago. Unless you’re a fan of mine, you don’t have any way to know me.”

“Oh…Hi! I’m a fan!” Nicholas waved a hand, and grin. The playful gleam in his eyes did not become unnoticed to the detective.

Shinichi stared at him wide-eyed.

Just what the hell is wrong with this person? He can’t understand him. But if he based his theory on the information about him, then maybe he had some connections with her. He was from London. Haibara’s mother, if he was not mistaken, grew up there. He knew a lot about him. Then that contact on his phone named Shi. Is it short for Haibara’s real name Shiho?

He closed his eyes, and felt a sudden tightening in his chest. He took a deep breath. He needs to be calm and think this thoroughly. This Nicholas might be a clue.

“Nicholas.” He called seriously. He looked at him.

“Please, do you know her?” Nicholas was taken aback from his tone. His voice was almost pleading.

“Why do you care? You already have a girlfriend.” His voice was grim.

“R-Ran is not my girlfriend.” He answered with a low voice.

“But you two will eventually lead to that, right? Why bother?”

“I…” He can’t seem to find the right answer.

Really. Why is he looking for her? Almost everyone around him discouraged him from doing so, but still he looked. He wanted to see her. He’s always looking forward to their unending banters. She was the person who equaled his intelligence. He was always his true self when he’s with her.

Nicholas stared at the detective. He was obviously conflicted. His brows were furrowed, and his face was absolutely confused. But despite the confusion, he caught a glimpse emotion of remorse and longing.

“Are you in love with her?” He asked.

“Haibara? No! It’s just that she’s always there for me, and I can be myself when I’m with her. We understood each other. And she just loves to tease me, and I missed our usual banters...Her smirks,  those deadpanned eyes...Although there was no winning against her.” Shinichi paused, and felt a curve on his lips. He closed his eyes, as if nostalgia swept through him.  “And I’m worried. She might be cold and rude, but she is really a softie inside. She’s sensitive yet insensitive. She’s always putting up a front. She’s---“

Shinichi was interrupted by Nicholas’ laughter. He looked at him questioningly.

“HAHAHAHA! This is funny! You are funny! She is funny! You’re all funny!” He continued to laugh that he put his hands on his stomach. Shinichi just looked at him aghast, not knowing really what he is laughing about.

“Why are you laughing?” He asked with a tinge of annoyance.

Nicholas laughed a bit more before he wiped his eyes for imaginary tears. He faced at the baffled and annoyed detective.

“Haven’t you realized it yet?” He asked while grinning.

Shinichi hated his grin. It was that grin that tells he knows something that he did not. He narrowed his eyes.

“Realize what?”

“I haven’t mentioned a name yet you have someone in mind. If you do not hold feelings for her, then why did you think of her?”

Shinichi stopped. He raked his mind for his question a while back.

Are you in love with her?

It’s true. He hadn’t mentioned a name. Why did he think it was Haibara? They were talking about Ran earlier too. Why did he bring her up? And why is his mind so messed up?

“Shinichi Kudo.” Shinichi’s train of thoughts was disrupted when he called his name.

“You know what? You’re dense…and really messed up. Are you really a detective?”

Shinichi was about to protest when he speak again.

“Why don’t you figure out what you really feel first? It’s obvious but you fail to see it. Or maybe you don’t want to see it?” Nicholas sighed through his nose. “Talk to me when you figure yourself out. I’m not a love guru who’s giving out cupid advises.”

He started walking away. “Ciao!” He held up his hand and wave. Shinichi just stared at his leaving figure.



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