29: Case Closed.

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Time seems to slow down as the two stared silently at each other. No one seems to find the right word to say, so they let their eyes convey whatever emotions they are feeling at the moment.

After some time, the detective finally attempted to speak.
"Uhmm...S-Shiho, y-you know... w-what just happened... t-the--"

Shiho smirked at the miserable attempt of the detective to convey his thoughts.

"Seems like the great detective just lost his ability to speak properly either." she teased. 

Shinichi glared at her as he felt his face flushed into dark shades of red... embarrassment slowly filling his mind. 

"Come on, Sherlock. What are you trying to say?"

The detective just groaned in frustration as an answer. He took deep breaths to calm himself before exclaiming, "Ugh. Shiho. Aren't you the one who should be saying something?"

"Something." she said with a smirk.

"What?" he questioned with furrowed brows.

"You said i should say 'something'. Well, I just did." she responded nonchalantly.

Shinichi stared bewilderedly at her. 'This infuriating woman.'

"You know I don't mean that Shiho." he responded seriously.

"What do you mean then?"

"For goodness' sake Shiho! I bloody confessed! For how many times now this day! Can you just please take me seriously?" he asked in frustration. He was reaching his limit now. 

She doesn't seem to be fazed by his outburst. "Ara, look how frustrated you are... "

"Drop that. Or I swear to God, I'll kiss you again." he threatened.

Shiho was a bit alarmed at what he said, but she did not show it. 'Such threat. No way he will do that. He will be too embarrassed, judging by his face.'

She raised an eyebrow, and was about to retort when she felt strong hands pulling her, and soft lips crashing on her lips.

Unlike his earlier kiss, she felt like this was a bit forceful, like the detective wanted to vent all his frustrations out. It was a kiss raging with all his bottled up emotions.

She blinked in bewilderment as she felt her world slowed down. She felt her heartbeat quickened as the detective tilted her head a bit to deepen the kiss. She felt him smirk as he continued to ravish her lips. She gasped, as her knees buckled in weakness. The detective was sucking her strength. He then pulled her closer by the waist, making the space between them almost entirely zero.

Her mind short-circuited, failing completely, as she unknowingly responded to his kiss. He smiled as he felt her respond as he continued, this time, more gently and passionately. They were kissing more fervently now, like they can't get enough of each other. 

Shinichi separated for a moment, gasping for breath, and embarrassing as it may seem, Shiho secretly felt disappointed. But the feeling was quickly gone when she felt his lips on hers again. She felt his lips move expertly, activating all possible emotions inside her. She felt an unknown churn in her stomach, as her heart thundered loudly in her chest. He bit her lower lip lightly, and she felt his tongue lick her lips asking for entrance. As if it has a mind of its own, her mouth opened slightly allowing his tongue to enter. She felt him ravaged the insides of her mouth, tasting her. Her tongue seems to respond automatically as it wrestled with his for dominance. Unknowingly, she let out a small moan as strings of pleasure flooded her. They continued kissing like that until they begrudgingly separated for a great need of air. They were breathing heavily while trying to process what just happened. The kiss seems incomprehensible at the moment.

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