12: I found you.

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Shinichi walked more briskly. His heartbeat quickened.

He looked around as soon as he exited the restaurant. For unknown reasons, it was really getting harder to breath. He gasped as he saw what he was looking for.

That familiar shade of auburn hair. She was the only one with that color.

She was walking with her back on her, so he was not really sure if it was her. But his instincts definitely told him so.

'It was her. I know.'

He walked towards her, if that was still called walking, for it seems like a run. He wanted to reach her right away, not wanting to give her a chance to leave again.

He caught his arm, and spun her rather forcefully to face him. She gasped in the sudden action, and was about to give an ominous glare to the one at fault when she caught a glimpse at his face. Her eyes widened. The expression on her face equaled his. They stared at each other for some time.

“H-haibara…” His grip on her arm tightened. She was still in shock at seeing him.

It was her. It was really her. An emotion of pleasure flooded in his system as he saw her familiar yet now matured face.

After a second, Haibara, or Shiho rather, found her voice. “K-Kudo-kun…W-what—“

She did not finish. He didn’t let her finish...for he instinctively wrapped his arms around her as he pulled her close to a hug. He heard her yelp because of the sudden contact.

He buried his head on his strawberry-scented hair. “It’s really you.” He whispered, his voice raging with emotions.

Shiho didn’t say a word, her eyes still widened with shock. She felt a surge of heat attack her face as she felt a blush creeping. She was finding it difficult in comprehending what the hell is happening as he felt Shinichi’s hug tighten. Her heartbeat rivaled the speed of light. She was worried he might hear its loud beating.

Unbeknownst to them, a pair of eyes witnessed it all. Ran was crying as she watch the unknowing couple hugging.


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