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A/N: Uhmm... since I miserably failed in trying to write a sequel of 'Undeniably Yours' as much as I wanted to, I am writing yet again another DC fanfiction to make it up to you, dear readers. This time, an AiCon fic. Though I suppose the updates will be slower than the others, but still hoping with crossed fingers that you'll support this as much as you had supported 'Undeniably Yours'.

Here is a quick sneak peek. And oh, please tell me what you think. Thanks! Ciao! ❤❤❤


Ten damned years. The black organization suffered utter defeat. The antidote was done, yet it was useless. After so much testing, their bodies became immune to its effects. Shinichi Kudo is no more, Ran Mouri was starting to get tired as she waits miserably for the detective while Shiho Miyano blames herself for all their miseries.

Abandoning all hope, the scientist is determined to cease her existence. Will the detective be able to stop her... or does he even have the will to? 

If this passed to your liking, you can add it on your library, and I'll be forever grateful. ❤❤❤

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