14 : How Fate works.

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“I’m home.” Shiho casually said as she entered the door in her apartment.

“Shi! What took you so long? I called your phone, but you didn't answer.” A jolly deep voice answered as she saw the figure of his bestfriend approaching. He was pouting.

“Nik.” She said his name to acknowledge his presence.

Nicholas Higashi stands in front of her, his smile radiating the whole room. She smiled back. She was thankful for his presence. She remembered the time she met this man.

It was that time when she completed the antidote and planned to leave. She was now back to her original body. She had purchased a ticket to London to investigate the place where her mom grew up. She wanted to know more about her parents. Right after she wrote the letters for Shinichi and Hakase, she readied herself for her flight. She needs to act fast before Hakase or Kudo notice something. Stealthily, she went out of the house and proceeded to the direction of the airport. After half an hour, she arrived at the airport just in time for her flight.

She’s going away. She’s leaving them.

When she arrived at London, she proceeded to the only place that she knew her mother was from. She will start from there. She investigated for several days, until she stumbled upon her late mother’s old friend. She was her best buddy, she said. She was welcomed by Haruhi Higashi, also a scientist and a research partner of her mother. She told her many stories about her mother. It was then when she invited her to live with them in her house that he met his son, Nicholas. Her first impression of him was not good. For her, Nicholas was the living epitome of annoyance. He pestered her nonstop beyond her patience. But after days of living with the Higashi family, she came to know that they were good persons…that they wanted the best for her. But still, she was having second thoughts in opening up to them.

It was a week after her stay with them when she decided to. Well, not that she wanted, but she eventually did. They were having a celebration that night. Alcohols were served, and because she was in an unfamiliar land, she find it hard to refuse drinks they’ve offered. She became drunk, and in that state, she spouted all the bottled-up feelings to the one at present, which was Nicholas at the moment. She was not her usual self. Maybe it was the alcohol’s influence or maybe she just wanted to let it all out. She confessed everything to him, and surprisingly, he took it well and reassured her. It was that moment then that she decided to trust the man. They became close after that.

She made up her mind to return to Japan few days after. Worried about her wellbeing, Nicholas insisted in accompanying her, which explains their current situation. They are living together now in a rented apartment far from Beika.

“Shi?” Nicholas voice snapped her out from reminiscing the past. She jerk a little.


“You seem to be in a good mood. Did something happen?” Nicholas asked.

Shiho smiled as she recalled her earlier meeting with Shinichi. It was no use telling him a lie anyway, since he will eventually know. She decided to tell the truth.

“I met him earlier.” She said sounding nonchalant.

Nicholas eyes widened. “What? H-how?!”

“I…I don’t know. We just…It just happened.” She shrugged as she told him what happened except for the hugging part. She decided to skip that part because he will definitely tease her.

“So…he still doesn’t know where you’re staying?”

“Uh-huh. And I hope it will stay that way.” She sighed through her nose. “It was already hard seeing him.”

It was his turn to let out a sigh. “Shi…Why don’t you just let him find you? He wants to see you, and I know deep down, you wanted it too.”

“You don’t understand. I don’t belong in his world. He already belong to someone else, even long before I met him.”

He gently placed a hand on her shoulder. “Why don’t you be selfish even just for a little? You deserve to be happy, Shi.”

“I c-can’t…There’s just so much sin I need to atone. And the worst of it is that I stole his perfect life.”

Even when she didn’t say it, Nicholas knew that she was still blaming herself for everything. That she was still consumed by an immeasurable amount of guilt which, in his point of view, is a feeling she did not really deserve.

“You’ve already suffered too much. Isn’t that enough yet?”

Shiho shook her head. “No.” She smiled sadly. “This might as well be my punishment. It’s just so funny how fate works. It made me fall in love with a man that I will never ever have.”

Again, Nicholas found himself secretly feeling sorry for the woman.

“You will never know Shi. We are living in mystery. Who knows?”

Shiho looked at him before giving out a dry, humorless laugh. “We can’t resist fate, Nik. Everything is written already. And Shinichi ending up with Mouri-san is one of it.”

Nicholas just gave him a knowing look.  ‘You just don’t know Shi. That Shinichi Kudo might be falling for you too…if my hunch still serves me right.’

“Just promise me one thing.” He looked at her eyes seriously. “When fate destined you to meet again, don’t you dare run away.”

She raised a brow, and stared at him curiously. He was talking philosophical, which was so unlike him. What was he thinking?

She just nodded, and gestured to leave. This conversation is pointless.

“Okay, that settles it!” Nicholas merrily said. “Let’s have dinner! I’m starving!” He cried like a child. Funny how he can changed his expressions so quickly. Shiho smirked.

“Oh. I already ate. Didn’t I mention that?” She casually said before heading to her bedroom.

She heard Nicholas’ flabbergasted gasp just before she opened her door.

“Shi! You bloody traitor! I waited for you! There's not a single food on the freaking fridge!” She heard Nicholas whined, his voice resonating in the whole room. She chuckled. He was really acting like a child. And it was amusing her.

“Thank you, Nik.” She whispered before climbing on her bed. She will leave his friend with his tantrums. He can handle himself. Many things happened today.

For now, she will sleep.


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