20: Hesitance.

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“Thank you for coming, Miyano-san.”

The dean extended his arm for a handshake. Shiho gave out a tight smile before accepting his hand. It was finally over. Their talk lasted for almost half an hour, with her tactfully persuading the dean to let Nicholas go with the least possible punishment. Fortunately, he obliged and just let Nicholas suspended for a day.

“Thank you as well, Harada-sensei. I will make sure that this will definitely be the last time Nicholas will cause trouble.” She secretly glare at Nicholas, which smiled at her nervously.

“Oh…that is reassuring, Miyano-san.” The dean chuckled and lead the two outside. He gave a quick glance at Nicholas and nodded.

“We’ll take our leave now, sensei.” Shiho said for the last time, and walked away.

They were several meters away from the office when Nicholas finally release a sigh of relief. He glanced at Shiho thoughtfully.

“Thanks Shi! I don’t know what will happen if you’re not here!” He gave him a wide grin.

Shiho smirked as she faced him. Nicholas’ grin wavered.

Ooops. I know that smirk’

“Hey hey…” Shiho started. “Did you actually think I was doing this for free?”

Nicholas snorted. He knew it. ‘This cold woman.’

“What?” he asked, pouting.

“The latest release of the Fusae brand would suffice.” She said nonchalantly, before leaving him behind.

Nicholas mouth fell. “Oi! That brand costs a lot!”

Shiho just answered as a smirk. “Did you say something?”, she asked slowly and innocently, yet meaningfully.

Nicholas shivered. Her tone speaks winter. “N-none. I said I’ll buy it when I get my allowance.”

“Good. Then let’s go home.”

“Hey! Let’s roam around first. I haven’t had the chance to enjoy the festival yet!” he cried as he catch up to her.



NO.” She emphasized her answer as she threw him a look of daggers. If looks could kill, he would definitely be a dead man right now. He gulped as he gathered his courage.

“Oh yes, and you are coming with me.” He said in a tone that indicates finality before he grabbed her hand and drag her out.

“NIK!” She shouted in protest. She tugged his hand to stop him. He stopped and looked at her.

There was a look of panic in her eyes. He knew why but he chose to ignore it. ‘You need to let go of your fears, Shi.’

“What?” he asked, feigning innocence.

“Don’t give me that.” She hissed. “You know what I am talking about.”

He heaved out a frustrated sigh. “Look, Shi. You are running away again. Didn’t I tell you to let Fate do the rest? This is Fate talking now!”

“It’s not!” She disagreed, the panic in her voice heightened. She looked around restlessly.

“Why are you hesitating then? It’s not like he can do a thing to you when you meet him. I’m here.”

It’s not just that, Nik. I’m afraid my walls would crumble if I see him again.’

“I-It’s just…”

“Don’t worry Shi. Let’s just enjoy this day, okay?” he smiled at her and tightened his hold on her hand.

Shiho reluctantly followed.


Shinichi was walking aimlessly. Several voices called him, inviting him to try their respective booths. He politely declined and went on with his search. He was searching for about half an hour now to no avail. He was about to leave the place when his eyes caught a familiar figure. He took a step forward.

His eyes narrowed at the scene. It was definitely Shiho, alright, but she was not alone. She was with his classmate, Nicholas Higashi.

He really knew her’, he thought as an uncomfortable churn settled in his stomach. He grimaced. ‘What is this?

He looked at them again. They were talking, and much to his surprise, Shiho was smiling. Gods, it was rare to see her smiles, yet she was smiling innocently right now. He felt invisible hands wringing in his chest. It was becoming hard to breathe all of a sudden. He gulped that invisible lump in his throat.

What is wrong with me?’ he silently asked himself.

No, I know exactly what’s wrong. I just chose to ignore it.’
He knew. At the back of his mind, he knew he was jealous. Seeing Shiho comfortable with other man irked the hell out of him. It should be him with her right now.

When was the last time he saw her smile? he asked himself. And was there even a time when he was the reason behind her rare smiles?

He does not remember a time wherein he made an effort for her to smile. He just remembered all those times he stupidly called her nasty names. That time he insensitively called her a murderer.

Damn it.’ He cussed in his mind. Guilt and jealousy was eating him as he continued to observe the two. He looked down, and smiled bitterly.

Should I just let them?’ he asked himself. ‘She was happy with Nicholas, unlike when she was with me.’

You are one of the bloody reasons why she's hurting!’ Nicholas voice echoed in his mind.

Right. I’ve hurt her a thousand times already.

He was about to walk away from them when someone called him.


He turned, and his eyes widened in disbelief.


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