18: Crossroad

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The school was buzzing with activities. Students were laughing,  playing, eating and enjoying the cultural festival. Shinichi, on the other hand, was alone in the room. Soccer match just ended,  and he was one of the players. Given his good skills in the sports, they have won. His teammates invited him to celebrate but he declined. He was tired, and wanted to rest. 

He rested his face on his palm as he observe the students outside. On one side, he saw Sonoko dragging Ran to a photobooth. She was smiling awkwardly as they are taking their photos.

He secretly smiled.

'At least she's smiling now.' he thought.

Their relationship was making progress. Now, whenever their eyes met, she will awkwardly give him a small smile. He was glad. At least,  they are working it out. Ran was really an angel.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sudden creak from the opening door. He glanced, and was a bit surprised to see Nicholas in a flashy outfit. Must be an activity from his club.

Nicholas just look at him. He, in turn,  smiled sheepishly.

'This is a good chance for a talk. We're alone.'

Nicholas must have known what he was thinking for he flashed a smirk.

"Oh! What is the great detective doing here alone? Aren't you an anti-social one?" He chuckled.

"And you're the social one, basing on your flashy outfit." he replied, his voice challenging. 

Nicholas just laughed while Shinichi raised an inquiring eyebrow.

"What's so funny?  You are always laughing whenever you talk to me. It's getting annoying." he stated in an irritated voice. 

Instead of stopping, Nicholas laughed harder. 

"Now, now. Calm down. I'm not looking for a fight." he showed him a smile that irked the detective even more. 

"What is it?" he asked.

Nicholas suddenly showed him a serious expression that startled the young detective a bit.

'This guy... he can be unpredictable at times.'

"Oh.. nothing." he said after some time and proceeded to his seat. He rummaged his bag like he was looking for something. Shinichi was observing him. After some seconds, he reached out his phone. He was about to leave when the detective spoke. 

"Miyano Shiho." He spewed the name slowly and clearly while observing the expression of his British classmate.

With his keen eyes, he noticed that his eyes dilated a bit, and his lip twitched as it formed into a thin line. The change in his face lasted only for a second but Shinichi saw it all. 

'He knew her.' with his expression, he confirmed.

Nicholas feigned ignorance. "What?"

"Miyano Shiho." the detective repeated. "Does the name ring a bell?"

"Maybe. Maybe not. You're the detective. You figure it out." Nicholas answered in a playful tone.

"What--" Shinichi almost wanted to punch the guy for acting oblivious but he held it in. He sharply sighed through his nose.

"Look. Nicholas Higashi. I am asking you seriously now,  and I want a serious answer. Do you know Miyano Shiho?"

Nicholas stared at him for a second before answering, "So what if I know her?"

"You said I can talk to you if I can figure myself out!" he almost shouted. 

He was a bit taken aback by the detective's sudden outburst.
"Ohhh... So you figured it out? What exactly?" He asked seriously. He was not the serious type, but he wanted the best for his bestfriend, Shiho. He wanted to know what the detective feels. 

Shinichi clenched his hands, while throwing him a glare.
"I want to see her."


"I... I want to tell it to her directly." He hesitated a bit before continuing,  "my feelings, that is."

"And how can I be damn sure you wouldn't hurt her? You've already hurt her many times." Nicholas' voice was menacingly cold.

Shinichi was surprised. "I.. I d-did?" he stuttered, not believing what he just said. "I've h-hurt her?"

"Of course, dumbarse. She's hurting... because of you."

"But how? I promised I will protect her!"

"Maybe you did. Maybe you didn't. But one thing I'm sure. She's hurting. She is bloody hurting. And you are one of the bloody reasons why." 'Though you're also the reason why she can be happy.'

Shinichi stared disbelievingly. He was having trouble processing what he just said.

'I've hurt Haibara? Why?  How?'

He tried to compose himself. "Nicholas, please. I need to talk to her. I promise, this time I will not hurt her."

Nicholas just stared at him,  weighing if he will obliged to his request. In the back of his mind, he doesn't want this detective to talk to Shi again. He was the reason why she was hurting. But he also knew that she can also be happy because of him. And he wanted the best for her. There is just too much risk. 

"Nicholas." Shinichi once again called. He looked at him. His face showed a look of pure conviction.

'This must be fate talking...right, Shi?' He sighed as he told the detective what he wanted to hear.


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