3: Impossible!

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Hattori POV

A week later...

"Kudo, it's been a week since your nonstop search for her. Don't you think that's enough?" I said, my voice evident of frustration. The professor has called me a few days back, and told his worry for the detective for he was fervently searching for the missing scientist. Being the awesome and reliable friend that I was,  I immediately flew to Tokyo. Thankfully, exams just ended so I had some free time.

"I think there's a reason as to why you can't find her. It's very hard to find someone who doesn't want to be found." I continued. "And you already have the antidote, right?"

Kudo sighed, and looked away. "Yeah, but..."

I stared intently at him. He was having a hard time.

Something's weird. Is he...?

"Hey, Kudo..." I stated, slightly hesitating. No,  this couldn't be...


"Are you..in any way... falling for that nee-chan?" I asked, my eyes wide with the absurdity of my idea. There was just no way that could happen, right? For all I know,  this guy was in love with his childhood friend! 

"WHAT?!" Kudo's voice was an octave higher. "Of course not!" His answer came immediately that I couldn't help but be suspicious. I raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"Then why are you searching for her?        It was her who left, and in her own accord too. Maybe she wanted to have her own life, and you will have yours too. You have the antidote. You can go back to normal now. What else are you hesitating for?"

Kudo looked at me. His face tells me that he doesn't have a damn clue on what he is feeling right now. Right,  this guy is a dork when it comes to feelings. 

Although inappropriate of the situation we are in right now,  I can't help but laugh at his face.

"Gods, Kudo! Are you really?!" I asked unbelievingly, between laughs.
He reached for a pillow and throw it at me. I wasn't able to react on time.  It hit me right in the face.

"Shut up!" He shouted, his face a little bit red from embarrassment.

"Me? Falling for that evil-eyed yawny girl? Impossible!" He scoffed.

I grunted.

"Then why did you hit me?!" I asked exasperatedly.

"I did not hit you. The pillow did." He answered,  his eyes glaring at me.

I glared back. "And here I am, helping you realize your feelings! Is that the right way to pay me back?!"

"You're annoying." He muttered but I heard him anyway.

I felt the urge to laugh again,  but I suppressed it as I do not want to be hit by a pillow again. He was really having a hard time realizing what his true feelings are, and it was really entertaining...Well,  for me, at least.

Who would have thought that it will turn out this way?

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