• S.Chapter: Worried. •

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A/N: Ciao! So uhhh... I decided to write a short scene about our favorite couple. I haven't had the slightest idea of a sequel, so this is something that happened a long, long time ago, when our dense detective is still oblivious about his love for the ever sarcastic scientist. 😂😂😂 Hope you like it! 



Ayumi's voice rang in the neighborhood as she called the bespectacled boy. The shrunken detective turned around to see the detective boys walking toward him.

He cocked an eyebrow. "Hey guys,  what's up?"

"Let's go to the professor's!" Mitsuhiko stated. 

"Hakase called to tell us Ai-chan was sick." Ayumi added worriedly. 

"Oh... Haibara's sick?" Conan repeated.

"Yeah!" answered Genta. "Let's go! Professor already prepared snacks!" he added before he happily skips toward the old professor's house.

The three other just stared at him dumbfounded, before they shook their heads and also headed in the same direction.


"Hakase! We're here!" Genta called as they entered the house.

"Strange, the professor should have welcomed us." Mitsuhiko exclaimed suspiciously, as he walked cautiously with inside.

Genta, on the other hand, seemed not to care, as he noisily removed his shoes and entered.

Conan and Ayumi just followed suit.
No one was at the living room when they entered. The television was on, however, and some snacks are in the coffee table, indicating the presence of someone. Conan scanned the whole house, while Genta hungrily grabbed the food, and started eating. Mitsuhiko and Ayumi sat on the sofa. 

"I wonder where Hakase and Ai-chan are." Ayumi said.

"Maybe Hakase's checking on Haibara at her room. I'll go see." Conan answered and swiftly went to the shrunken scientist's room.

He knocked three times before he opened the door and entered quietly. True enough, the professor was inside her room.

Haibara was sleeping soundly on her bed. 

"Hakase..." he whispered to get the professor's attention.

The professor was startled a bit,but he quickly regained his composure. "Oh Shinichi." He said to acknowledge his presence.

Conan quickly glanced at the sleeping scientist before asking, "What happened?"

The professor sighed. "Ai-kun must have overwork herself again. I found her lying unconscious in the basement in the morning."

Conan didn't answer, and just stared at Haibara. Truly, he can observe in her face that she was indeed tired.

"Does she have a fever?"

"Yes, but she took medicine earlier and she's feeling alright now. Though her temperature is still a little bit high."

"Okay. The kids are in the living room, hakase. Attend to them first, I'll take care of Haibara." he said as he walked towards the side of her bed. The professor nodded as he stood up and went to the door.

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