The Aftermath.

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A/N: Ciao, dear readers! I wrote this chapter because I was happy. Undeniably Yours had reached about almost 9k+ reads! I didn't even anticipate that even in my imagination. I just wanna thank you guys. This is all for you. Hope you like it. 

This is set after the couple's confession. I hope you comment your review after. Thanks! Love you all, guys. <3


"Let's go." Shinichi called after some time. His hand made its way to her hand, and she felt a sudden jolt of electricity when he squeezed it. His hand felt surprisingly warm in her cold hand.

"Where?" she inquired.

"To the open ground, of course. I haven't had a dance with you yet." He replied as he stared intensely at her. It took all Shiho's willpower to not show a blush. His stares are piercing.

"Does that matter? Considering what happened earlier, you still want to go back there?" she asked.

The detective shrugged, and gave her a nonchalant look "I told you that it doesn't matter." Then he added, "Come on, we only have an hour before it ends." he started to pull her this time.

"Hey! Kudo-kun!" she exclaimed in surprise and protest but the detective chose to ignore her.

They were near the open grounds again, and as they approach, several students stopped what they are doing and stared at them. Some even started whispering while inconspicuously pointing at their still intertwined hands.

Shiho looked worriedly at the detective. He didn't seem bothered at the attention though, or maybe he just chose to ignore it. But it was different for her. She felt like she was dragging the detective down. That it was because of her that he was the subject of judgmental looks now. Her walk slowed down, until it became into a halt. Shinichi turned back as he gives her a questioned look.

"Shiho?" he inquired. She looked down, not meeting his gaze. He faced her properly. "What's wrong?"

Shiho pulled her hand from his grasp, still not looking at him. "I wanna go home." She whispered.

Shinichi felt a tinge of hurt when she withdraws her hand. He scanned the surrounding. True enough, they were the center of attention at the moment. He contemplated a bit.

'You're being a pessimist again, Shiho.' He thought to himself as he looked at the woman in front of him. He knew she was blaming herself again for the unnecessary attention. He smiled. He took her hand again.

"Just one dance." He softly whispered to her ear just as he leads her. He pulled her closer to him, his hands guiding her.

Shiho's face reddened. He was holding her close in front of many people like he wanted to show the world how proud he was that they were together. She was not used with this kind of attention.

They were moving slowly now, gliding gracefully to the music in the background. And slowly, the crowd doesn't seem to bother them anymore. Their attention solely focused on each other.

Shinichi observed her, He showed his trademark grin.

"Finally, you're smiling." He whispered, his eyes locked on hers.

Shiho's smile turned to a smirk.

"Hey! You're smirking! Show that smile again!" he said in protest.

Shiho just smirked more to tease the detective. Shinichi pouted, but then suddenly showed a mischievous grin as if he thought of something. Shiho raised a brow. He smirked as he spun her suddenly, making the scientist almost lost her balance. But Shinichi was quick and strong to catch her. After she spun around, she was pulled ratherly close that it seems like he was hugging her.

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