28: Speechless.

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They stayed like that for a few minutes before he loosened his hold on her. She hates to admit, but she secretly felt a tinge of emptiness when he separated himself from the hug.

He took a step back to properly look at her. He was surprised when he saw streaks of tears in her beautiful face. He lifted his hand and gently wiped the remaining tears away. She averted her gaze. She was starting to feel the warmth spreading on her face. Her breath hitched at his contact, but she let him anyway.

“I can’t do it, Shiho.” He whispered as he shook his head. He  caressed the side of her face with his thumb. “I can’t let you go.”

Shiho was still silent.

“You really aren’t going to tell me?” he inquired. “If you don’t tell me, I keep becoming foolish, Shiho. I can’t help but assume and overthink it. I thought maybe it was because of Nicholas…but no.” he shook his head. “I can’t accept that.” He continued with clenched jaw.

“Becoming stupid, and having these misunderstandings. I don’t want this Shiho.” he gently whispered, each word filled with emotion.

He waited for her to respond, but nothing came.

He let out a frustrated sigh. “Shiho…”

Shiho slowly looked at him. He held his breath as he met her gaze. They were not the usual cold, deadpanned eyes.

“Kudo-kun,” she started. “Mouri-san…she likes you a lot that she waited for you for so many years. She was suffering by herself. I…I don’t want to hurt her. She reminds me of my sister. Besides, I don’t deserve you.” She muttered the last sentence in a whisper.

Shinichi studied her expression while processing what she just said. He was surprised really. He recalled Haibara being to cold to Ran back in the old days.

So she was cold to her because she reminds her of her sister.’

She said she doesn’t deserve him.  He smiled, as a spark of hope ignited in him.

She didn’t say she doesn’t like me. She said she doesn’t deserve me. There’s a difference. Just maybe…”

He was drawing into conclusions again. He shook his head, as he suppressed a grin from showing.

Damn. This is making me happy though.’ He thought.

“Kudo-kun?” her voice snapped him to reality. He looked at her. She was showing a confused face. He smiled again.

“Yeah?” he replied stupidly, a smile still goofily plastered on his face.

Shiho frowned, as if reading his mind. She crossed her arms on her chest. “What are you thinking?” she inquired. This time, her voice returned to their usual cold tone, while her face showed indifference.

Shinichi chuckled. ‘Gods, she’s too adorable.’ He thought as he looked fondly at her. Shiho looked at him questioningly.

“Gods, Shiho. Stop being so adorable.” He can't help but to blurt his thoughts out.

Shiho stiffened. “W-what?”

He stepped closer to her, and ruffled her hair. Shiho just stared at her with wide eyes. Her mouth slightly agape. She can’t seem to find her voice. Funny, they were so serious a while ago.

Again, the detective chuckled. She glared at him to show her annoyance. Shinichi doesn’t seem to be fazed.

“Did I tell you I love you already?” he muttered in a low voice, as he looked at her intently.

Shiho was taken aback, but she quickly regained herself. “And did I tell you that you’re becoming creepy? Seriously, Kudo-kun, stop acting so stupid.” She replied coolly, though she was really panicking inside.

An unexplainable churn was starting to surface in her stomach. She can’t seem to explain that feeling of happiness that was slowly filling her chest.

Can I really believe this is happening?’ she asked herself in astonishment.

He took her hand. “I’ll stop acting stupid if you tell me what you really feel.”

A smirk tugged on her lips. “Oh, so you can stop acting stupid? Never knew that was possible.”

He grunted. “Hey, I’m the great detective of east Japan! Of course, I’m not stupid!” he exclaimed in protest.

Well, you’re stupid enough to not know my feelings for you, Sherlock.’ She answered in her mind.

“You’re  still stupid.” She stated flatly.

“Hey!” the detective glared, and almost pouted. Shiho wanted to laugh at his idiotic expression, but she held it in.

Their banter was disrupted by the noise coming from the fireworks. They both look up at the sky to see the sky being filled with colorful lights. They gasped in awe. They watched the scene in silence for a moment.

Shinichi tugged her hand, forcing her to look at him. She was shocked at the look on his face.

The illumination from the fireworks danced in his face, lighting it in different shades. Shinichi’s eyes gleamed with intensity as it meets her eyes. The cobalt blue color of his eyes seems to gleam intensely. She was being drowned in his stare.

“Shiho…” he called seriously.

She just stared at him, waiting for him to continue. They were back in that serious talk again, but this time, it doesn’t feel that uncomfortable.

“You said you don’t deserve me.” He started. “Maybe you’re thinking you’re the reason why my life became a mess. I disagree, Shiho. My life might have changed. I’m not that famous detective anymore. I disappeared for a long time from the limelight. I became involved with a criminal organization. I shrunk and needed to lie about my identity. True enough, my life became complicated.”

“But Shiho, because of you, I’m alive. If it wasn’t for that drug, Vodka may have killed me with a gun. I escaped death because of that drug you created. And you found a way to make the antidote and bring us back again. So let’s call it quits now, yeah?” He squeezed her hand. “Can’t you see, Shiho? My life may have unexpectedly turned to a mess, but it became a complicated beautiful mess…because I’ve got the chance to meet you. To become your friend, your partner. To fall in love with you.”

He stepped closer, and kissed her forehead. “I love you, Miyano Shiho.” He confessed again, for the second time in this day.

Shiho’s heart swelled with emotion. She can feel tears wanting to escape from her eyes. Never in her life did she think she can feel this way. She loves the detective, and surprisingly, he loves her back.

What did I ever do to deserve this?’ she asked, thanking the Heavenly.

He felt him press their foreheads together, his right thumb caressing her chin. He made her look at her. He was red in the face, but he didn’t seem to care.

“I love you.” He whispered again, this time closing his eyes as he leaned over to plant a kiss on her lips.

Shiho’s eyes widen as she felt his soft lips slowly and gently kissing her. She felt him deepen the kiss as he pulled her closer to him, his fingers playing with her hair, gently tickling her.

Kudo-kun is kissing me!’ her mind seems to go haywire at what was happening.

She was still processing what the hell is happening, when he pulled back. He grinned as he observed her expression.

“So the great Miyano Shiho can be speechless after a kiss.” He teased.

She sharply looks at him, as she composed herself. Her knees feel weak. She summoned all her willpower to look as casual as ever.

She gave him a look of daggers. He just grinned widely.

“Gods, Kudo-kun!”

She can’t think of any other to say.


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