23. Like you, like me...

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Sanam's POV:

Hmmm... So I finally did it... I took her out... On a date!  

I marvelled at my achievement throughout the drive from her hostel to my home. It went well; at least better than I had hoped. She's a different person; a different girl. There are only a few people in the world with whom we can talk to about absolutely anything, I think she's that one person for me. I just realised that today. I never even felt like this about Samar! No, on a serious note, really!!!

When I finally reached home, I was, unusually though, welcomed by Remy (Venky's better half). 

Me: "Hey! How are you here today?" I said, while hugging her. 

Remy: "You tell me, how are you here... Should've spent more time na, it was your first date with her after all!" She smirked at me.

Me: "Oh GOD! These guys have trapped you in this? No way!" We had reached the place where the guys were. 

They started shooting questions at me, especially my BROTHER! Somehow I don't understand why is he doing this to me! I escaped them, with statements like "Ya it was fun", "No, nothing like what you're thinking", "Please!!! Stop Now!" and finally, Remy proved to be my saviour and told them to stop teasing me.

I went up to my room as I had decided to sleep early that night. I couldn't stop replaying the evening in my mind, over and over again. I think I had just been overthinking when I felt that she just might not feel comfortable about the whole 'coffee' idea. That was probably the only reason why I had signalled her to say no in front of the guys... And it's really strange that she did what I wanted without even asking for a reason right that moment. 

When she refused, I thought, that'll be it; end of story. But, as clever as Samar is, he didn't let me get away. It was like he already knew that it was me who was telling her to refuse my offer. Siblings, I tell you! I just didn't have any other reason to not go out with her, other than only SHE wouldn't like it. But eventually, it turned out be the opposite; she didn't have a problem. And after this evening, I doubt that she felt uncomfortable at all! And MAN! That cafe! It was just amazing! It was so beautiful, and peaceful. The rain had just worked wonders! I don't think I knew of a better place to spend the evening. 

Another thing that's just stuck onto my brain is that... Well... She has a crush on me! REALLY? I mean, when she said it, I couldn't even understand for a second whether she's telling the truth or it's just sarcasm. I didn't even realise that my face had turned totally red until she told me. She had been staring at me after saying those 6 words... ('I have a crush on you' is technically 6 words!) I really don't know how to react to this, I think I can only do what I told her: Take it as a compliment. I have met so many fans, so many FEMALE fans, who have said this to me time and again, and all that I have ever said is 'Thank you' without any hesitation, let alone, embarrassment. But when Gul said it, suddenly, the world came to a stand still! She said it so casually, like it was absolutely no big deal for her. I don't think this would have been the case if she had met me after a concert!😉

But the most serene part of the evening was when it started raining and we looked out through the window to enjoy the beautiful scenery... It was magical! It felt so calm, peaceful and deep. Everyday, I find her unveiling another aspect of her personality... Oh God! I think about her so much! I need to stop now!!

Just then, my phone beeped. 

*6 New Messages*

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