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"My mum is so overprotective lately." I heard Clary say to Maureen and Simon as i walked up to where they were sitting on the roof of Simons van.

"Hey, sorry i missed your gig i lost track of time." I said looking up to the group, "Its okay i have another one next week, we were just talking about how Clary's mum was being so overprotective." I nod my head as i climb onto the roof of the van, Jocelyn musnt have told Clary everything yet.

"So do you remember in Aliens, when the alien queen was defending her eggs from Ripley?" Simon asked us

"In this scenario, is Clary's mum Ripley or the alien queen?" I asked

"Both." I rolled my eyes at him. "What? A mother defending her young."

"Defending me from what? I spend all day in an art studio. Our lives couldn't be more mundane. Besides, I really don't know much about when she was young." Clary said crossing her legs and looking down at the ground.

"Oh, just do what I do and get all the dirt from your relatives." Maureen said to us.

"Well, I would if I could, but she doesn't have any, and my... my dad died before i was born." Clary told us with a scoff

"So, you have no one? No uncles, no aunts, no third cousins twice removed? Maureen asked shocked.

"Its why the Lewis clan has added five chairs to every gathering since pre-school. Mmm. One for Clary, one for Jocelyn, one for Elijah and one for Hayley and her mum." Simon told Maureen

"Because they love me so much." I say putting a hand over my heart

"Obviously." Clary says rolling here eyes at me.

"Yes, obviously." Simon adds

"You guys don't think that's a little bit suspicious? You not knowing anything about our family? Your mum could be hiding some deep, dark secret." Maureen told Clary.

"Maureen, its not possible." Clary said, Uh oh I thought Clary was going to be so pissed when she found out the truth.

"No, no, think about it."

"No, seriously. My mother is incapable of concealing anything from me." Clary told her my smile faultering

Then Clary turns to me "Are you still seeping over at mine tonight." I nod "Sure am."

We sat on top of the van in silence for a little bit keeping our thoughts to ourselves and watched as people walked past us and into the club.

"Thank you for being our artist in residence." Simon said to Clary and I place my hand over my heart "Its okay ignore me Simon." I say to Simon as a fake being sad and they all just roll there eyes at me and act like I didn't say anything.

"Of course, so, you went on stage tonight as Champagne Enema." Clary said to them as Simon was changing his t-shirt, the three of them laugh.

"What were we thinking, right?" Maureen asked still laughing.

"But now... we're Rock Solid Panda." Simon said

"Yeah, we are." The other two girls nod in agreement.

"And the band names keep getting worse." I say loud enough for all of them to hear they just look at me and shake there heads.

"Rock Solid Panda coming up. I'm feeling inspired.' Clary said taking the spray paint over to the side of the van to draw her new tag.

When i see what Clary has drawn i curse inward, she has drawn a rune I panic what happens if she remembers more before Jocelyn has the chance to tell her everything.

Bound by Blood (Alec Lightwood)Where stories live. Discover now